Black Mesa 2009 Update

I have waited so long for this Mod and I cant believe that I have to wait some more. Although on the positive side, my friend now owes me £10.

That’s exactly what I was thinking.

can’t say I sorta didn’t see this coming, what with devs talking about how lots of features still weren’t solidly together and or in some sort of “beta” stage.
oh well, still can’t wait for the finished product. keep up the good work guys!

Oh well, just means I get to delay the feeling of being sad when I finally beat it.

Come on january 26th

black mesa soure, eh

HAHA! one sec brb, grabbin my original post from the fake release date push back thread! (and gonna find out who the moron was who called us idiots for beliveing that the release date was pushed back. :smiley: )

EDIT: naw, I think its sincere. this is a HUGE undertaking, not even including the fact that they arn’t doing his for a living.

march 2010 HERE WE COME!

EDIT EDIT: damn. doesn’t quite fit as good as I thought it would. :meh:

like, near near, or in the next year near? I gotta know, man! I gotta have my pops! :aah:

Haha, saw that coming.

OK, I suggest a new release date, february 16th. It’s a fantastic date, because, you know, it’s my birthday AND you have almost 3 months (from today?!) to work on. I’m not sad now. Will be maybe AFTER the mod isn’t released on february 16th :smiley:

Keep the excellent work and by the way, niiice gluon gun. MOAR vids for Christmas please?

Its no problem. The two finger typing thread will keep us busy till then.

The Duke needed some time to mature as well, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Keep making a good remake. It will be more fun to play if it’s well done :slight_smile:

Great, gives me some time to finish off a few other games I’m playing.

One thing we know. If it took coming to within what 24 days to say they wont make it, it measn it wont take years.
For sure before end of February, I expect end of January.
Do not stop working with the same sense of urgency as you had before.
Secondly, man itd be epic if you still made the deadline.

I predicted all of this, you know! All of it!

Nawww :frowning:

Keep working guys. You are doing awesome!

EDIT: You jinxed it fridgehinge ;_;


This is actually what I was hoping for. I felt like they were rushing themselves. My signature was just a ruse to get them to feel the pressure so they would delay it.

In all seriousness though, I’m so very happy that you guys had the stones to be able to admit something like this and didn’t try to push a non-finished game out the door for a 2009 release.

Well, I have to change my signature when I get back from classes tomorrow.

Around Christmas time, give us a new estimate for a release.

Thanks again for all your continued hard work and dedication,

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.