BBMIP: Part 4

For this week we have moved from AM to UC. Keep in mind this isn’t a exhaustive list of the props that are added just a sampling. The main major changes model wise were the additions of all the cabinets into AM/UC. After I got done with what I thought was all the cabinets, Jonathan pointed out that there were just the Pre-RC ones. Yay…so I had to go back and rework some of the models to be more broken down and smashed up fpr UC. The result is the first series of pictures from lab 3. The first is just a screen grab from the modeling program and the 2nd is a render of the final model in toolbag. Once it’s in game you realize 90% of the players won’t even see the cabinet lol.

I just decided to split this up a bit by pictures. Along with making new models I have been going back and adding some details into some of our really old low poly models. The wall cable shown earlier really made a nice improvement, so this weekend I did the ceiling cable. The first image shows the differences. The improved model looks a lot more rounded without getting into really high poly counts for a small prop. The 2nd image is showing the replacement model. It was compiled so that it just shows up as the replacement for the old model without having to place them all again. So I’m running through UC looking at all the changes and I see the 3rd image. It is creatively used by the LD but really looks bad as a model. I don’t know if it shows but you can see inside the model and through it because of the backface culling. Which led to the 4th picture. Basically its the base model copied several times and then repostioned to actually look like it has had a lot of tension placed on it then snapped allowing the wires to retract a bit in their brackets.

As a reminder, please stay on topic. Don’t ask for things not covered in this blog. I’ll try to answer any reasonable questions relating to the blog.

The new cabinet and cables look really good.

Edited: Off topic.

Off topic

I don’t think we’re supposed to talk about that…

On-Topic: I like that those cables got updated with their own model. I noticed that type of stuff happening a few times and while it’s a minor issue, I’m glad it’s being fixed. :slight_smile:

Right. Sorry about that bkdale86. Anyway I really like seeing the improvements in the models and props. I look forward to seeing some more from you very soon.

Yeah, appreciate the update! Thankies!
I’ve got nothing further of merit to add, this time, though.

Where the cabinets different post-RC in the previous version? I never noticed if they were… those look great, though! :slight_smile:

Yeah you’re right, sorry about bkdale86, I like your improvements of your work. :slight_smile:

I must say I agree with everyone else. I really love the updated cabinet and cables. They look so good that I doubt there is space for any kind of criticism.

Thanks for sharing, bkdale86.

If there was a lot of downward pressure put on these wires, shouldn’t the ‘curved’ bits been pulled straight as pressure was put on the part that is now snapped?

The right side is the left side recoiled back some that’s why the first loop is bigger than the rest. Without doing some complicated simulation to see exactly how they would fall I took a educated guess.

Looks fine to me. On the right, it looks like the hanging bit is pulling the rest of the cable taut. Not really seeing an issue.

Yeah, it also depends a bit on how the cables reacted when they snapped. If they had a leftwards direction, it would pull more of the right-side of the cable through the loop holding it up than the left. Looks fine to me, physics-wise.

And even if it’s not accurate, no one’s gonna analyze and try and figure it out in-game.

its all looking really good, although if you don’t mind me giving one criticism, cabinet hinges tend to be around 1/4 of the way down from the top (and bottom respectively). so it should be hanging from that point. It immidiatly really jars if you know what you are looking at. I know its only a few of the players that probably do, but still, its one of those immersion breakers when everything els is looking so good.

On another note? do you think it will push graphics cards too much if more cables are distributed around the place? They look really good, and if this really was a high tech research facility built in an old bunker, then it probably would need a hell of a lot more retrofitted cables about the place?

The cabinets you mention were based on the brush work cabinet. I didn’t want to model hinges on all the cabinet models and without those showing having the doors hanging realistically is kinda a moot point. So I just went with copying the references. As to the cable question…it’s one I have brought up several times. Problem is a 6 sided cylinder isn’t enough and 12 is probably too much unless it’s really big then you are going to get 24+. The you have to look at how long they are and how much they coil. You could realistically get 10k cables if there are several involved. I think the ones I posted are 7 or so. So it becomes an entity count issue and memory too. Who knows we may add some more and maybe we won’t.

As to the pictures remember they are all WIP. That means the GUI everything. What you buy when ever it is released may or may not be different.

Most players aren’t going to look at those map props for more than 5 seconds at a time. The people in this thread are just nitpicking because those props are being given all the focus in this particular instance but when given the big picture most everyone else won’t even notice those kinds of minutiae details.

Anyway, good job with your models and keep pumping these update threads :wink:

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