So this week was all about being on vacation lol. I did try to make time for redos on the general prop list. Since production has been over 12 years some props look really low poly next to some of the newer ones. Hopefully we can get most of them replaced before release. This is a 3 part prop that can be used in many combinations. I started with the old model and just basically detailed it. There was quite a bit of unused UV space so it was easy to fit in the details. Also its not shown ATM but the screens will also have several options based on what the LD wants. So this is the left and right parts, the center will be done next. The keyboards were very low poly like under 20 on the old model, the new is all poly lol at around 1k. Will spread that around by using it all over.
Left side. The base texture was reused with the new details added onto the old. This should also fit into the newer look for the props that I have been posting.

Right side.

These are WIP obviously and are NOT finished. These JUST have diffuse with nothing else.
Old versions

Impressive! :smiley:

Pardon my french, but holy shit that looks beautiful.

Bask in the glory.

That’s quite an improvement!

Looks a lot better than the old one. Great job!

me gusta

Looks great!

Though, I do kinda miss the VCR that was in the old version. Gives something like that a jury-rigged feel that really works in context–BMRF trying to cut corners any way they can so, instead of a dedicated system to record data, they have volumes of VHS tapes stored somewhere. I think that was a great little detail.

Yeah, seems a few of these remakes have been given a more modern tone is some small ways. Not complaining though, because they look very nice regardless.

I wouldn’t necessarily say that. The problem with the older stuff is it tends to be very cartoony. Probably because it was remaking HL textures into 3d props. The VCR was way out of scale and the texture was a cropped picture that wasn’t blended in very well. If the texture was rescaled it would have been really blurry and making it bigger would have been a waste of space.

Finally got around to finishing the center/middle terminal in this set.

The terminals look great.

Great work! Definately an improvement!
Also are you actually trying to give a more serious tone to the enviroment, considering that you find some of the old props cartoony?

I wouldn’t say serious, more uniform. You have to remember lots of props were done by multiple people and then textured by more people. We started off with smaller texture and model budgets. We also were making props from 2d HL textures. All of that plus a 12 year cycle have led to low resolution and low poly props. They tend to really stick out next to the more recent props.

I’m kind of curious now, how many props do you think you’ve gone through roughly or have you lost count (or did not count at all)?

Well, that was the status when he made the OG BBMIP topic, so the number has changed since then, and we shouldn’t really be expecting bkdale to show us every single prop he has worked on/remodeled/created (Thus we probably can’t just add up all the things we spotted in his 9 updates to the 60+ number), so the question still seems valid IMO.

But the short answer is that bkdale has been working as hard as he can to get as many props into the game, and we should just be a bit more patient.

Don’t know haven’t really counted. Probably around 90-100. Some aren’t compiled and in game yet.

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