Time for another small update. This weekend was spent prototyping and then getting things in game. I’ll let you guess what was added to the level, should be really easy. These models were made with a generator program that is since been taken down (no idea why). It was completely free and easy to work with. Because of the number of models involved the hardest part is making the model look good but keeping the poly count low. It was much easier with the skybox version. (I’ll reveal more later after its in game.) Anyway take a guess :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it the power lines in the back?
They do look pretty good now.
Much better than the older versions.


Well, I’m stumped.
I wanna say I don’t remember as much foliage, but then again my mind could be conjuring things up because you’re telling it to.

Also you can’t just tease us with an easy and free program that’s gone. :stuck_out_tongue:

the rocks look different, though I doubt that is the change.

Rocks are all the same…but they will get an update too at some point before release. Crypt is really close …

It’s the foliage. Specifically the bushes… right?

Yep, there are 2 different ones. The forums really make you downsize the image or you could see better. Tree(d) was the name of the program. You can’t find it now. There will have to be several tiers of models to populate each area. The skybox has a really simple one that repeates all over and shares a texture. I think there are close to150 in the skybox.

Why don’t you just use an external image hosting site instead of attaching pictures on the forum?

All the foliage should have wind physics and jiggle physics enabled. Just kidding of course. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dear Esters did but those were sprite based. It would only be needed in the next canyon with the apache.

I don’t think Dear Esther had as much other stuff for the engine to worry about so they could probably afford it.

^ Yeah. He’s right there. A large number of physics objects causes problems…

I noticed the new foliage almost off the bat with the default textures on the rocks and the like. It took me a little while with the hint you gave to Crypt. After I re-examined the image(s), the bushes were common to all of them. :stuck_out_tongue:

These aren’t physics objects :wink:

But damn are they pretty!
You said the skybox has 150 low-detail versions of these - Out of curiosity as a mapper, are they placed as prop_statics, or are they a detail prop automatically placed with certain ground textures?

So, no one has figured it out yet? Or am I missing something…

I wanna say that the potted plant next to the sitting scientist looks new, but I cannot be sure. It’s been a long time since I’ve played BM, and I’m not playing it again until the Commercial release. Hopefully it’ll feel new all over again that way. :smiley:

And c’mon, how can you not recognize Jiggly Plant!?

I knew there was a plant like that, but I thought the vase looked different. :frowning:

Yeah, Is there any reason why you’re not using

Attaching images to the forum seems super limited.

Out of curiosity, do the plants have animations for gently flowing wind? I noticed they were static (aka they don’t move) in the current version.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.