BBMIP 18ish

Heh. The little details are what’s gonna make it worth the money spent once the new version comes out imo. You’ll get my buck once I can spend it, that’s for sure.

Both of them finished.

Insert “kickass!” here.

Oh my god, you can even see the weld spots on it! Beautiful!

Oh the finest details!

Those doors are damn pretty.

This one was pointed out in testing…I detailed this one a few months back. .I tried to use as much of the old texture as possible since its a nice one and it is one of the first pieces you see walking around the game. UV usage was a bit on the cramped side but had some areas that were really blurry. I changed around some bits and added in the paper and tags into empty spaces on the UV. Hopefully it now will stand up to better up close examination.

Very nice!

Wowsers that looks amazing! I wish I could 3D art…

REALLY stellar work, bkdale86

Almost all of the electronic consoles/panels are based on a blue colored theme. Will there be any based on other colors, like amber or green?

There are a few that are amber in the older areas.

I’m really sorry Brian that what am I going to say is not entirely related to the topic… but I must tell you … playing the payed version and seeing all those model, you’ve worked on and showed us … it’s a great experience … and it’s even more beautiful than in the posts here on the forums … you and the rest of the team deserve the money … very good job! :slight_smile:

Thanks! By the way the last 2 models aren’t in the game yet…will be at the first post release update.

Is that AM security terminal?
it does still look blurry next to other assets, same as reflections on those chrome gas canisters.

I was wondering if I messed up the texture quality somehow.

The rest of the assets look massively improved.

Canisters are done with cube maps so that quality is limited. As I just said the terminal ISN’T in retail yet probably in the next few weeks.

I’m curious, aside from the 2 models missing are you still going to keep redoing models for the game?

Don’t know. I got most of the props finished that I wanted too. Lots of MP and Xen stuff to do…

I have to agree with posters above, it was great walking around the hallways and seeing all the new gear that has been shown off in these threads.

Spectacular work!

will You post MP or Xen models You working on?

MP models maybe, until he says otherwise, but Xen models, no. The team has always been on a media blackout for that, because they want it to be a surprise.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.