Hey Bkdale86;

I’m not a texture or prop artist but, I think these metal textures look like concrete. I mean, their surfaces are so grainy. Maybe you can demonstrate them with some sort of specularity as well.

They are so cool anyway.

Looking good…almost too good. You might have to DIAL things back. :stuck_out_tongue:

Think of them as well aged…They are the same base metal that was in the mod release. Spec in source is terrible. The last several shots were in modelviewer. You also have to remember you are looking HUGE pics. That is 4k pics 99% of you won’t run the game that high. They look fine in game.
Last one for the weekend.

EDIT: I went back and looked because I can always miss something and it it seems I grabbed the wrong layer on several of the last consoles (3 probably). They are all switched back. They had a much higher grain look as you stated. They shouldn’t be reading as concrete now. I’ll post samples in a bit.

IGNORE the normal map this is just the beat up one from dDo. This should give you an idea what the spec would look like in a PBR setup. That is also the corrected texture. Good catch.

Big AM pic. 3rd console on the end has yet to receive the redo.

Yep The corrected version looks more natural. Also, in the last image, maybe you can connect those three consoles with cables or something. In my opinion, they will add some irregularity to the overall appearence. Looks a bit blocky.

I’m waiting for more!

Kind Regards.

Ok this has nothing to do with me. That is an LD thing

Great work!

How many console varieties are there?

I think I answered 45 or so. I didn’t do all of them mind you. Mark did a bunch in QE, AM, LC and a few other areas. Some are Bjorn/Bard. These are just the generic ones. 2 more QE ones and this lot is done.


This prop was always a favorite of mine for whatever reason…but I noticed some UV errors. So I fixed and detailed it, also better AO. If you can spot the changes to the model you know too much about BM.

How many props do you have still to edit?
About the crate: I am assuming that you edited the pull clamps.

I could be wrong but I don’t think the indents were on the sides of the protrusions, either. And the sealing clamps weren’t modelled, only textured on.

Looks good!

Great work!

No idea…I keep finding things lol. Rings, clamps and handles are now geometry.

Went ahead and did this one too.

See, this is something that makes the game interesting.Those small freaking details!

I hope you don’t mind criticism but does the texture for that needs to be that low?

Depends on how big the prop is in-game. Getting a texture that is too big for a small model makes it look grainy if your screen resolution’s too low. It’s immersion breaking if it’s too large in some cases.

I think he scaled down the original texture. Photoshop and similar programs have different algorithms for resizing. Generally, every artist use default option for any case. (Bicubic automatic). However, sometimes other options need to be concerned.

That’s why that textures appearence a bit blurry.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.