BBMIP 11 or so

On vacation this week and started work over the weekend on texturing the prodigy redos. Quick pass in dDo. Have a lot left to do before its done.

Also another project finished the modeling stage. Have to do another version for another section in the game. Anybody have a guess where this goes?

That looks like the console from Blast Pit. Area above the turntable.

Holy Crap. THAT quality!

Teach me master :awesome:

Questionable Ethics? Looks like one of the consoles.
Or… the console in Aprehension, in the Ichy part.

Nope. Its in the first 1/4 of the game.

This is great stuff. The final version will look incredible with all of these improvements.

Blast pit - the ignition room ?

Speaking of which, will the bullet hole decals interacting with the spinning tape reels on the control room computers be fixed? Right now the reels keep spinning while the bullet hole decals stay in place.

One of the consoles in the center room in anomalous materials/unforeseen consequences where you get the crowbar?

No idea, probably not the texture is rotated, not physically animated. Please stay on topic.

Nope but very close. This prop actually replaces 5 generic ones.

Is it the servers on the wall opposite the anti-mass spectrometer observation window? If not that, then it’s the setup in the room just before that room. “Ready for a rousing day Freeman?”

I love how you make them guess where it is. :stuck_out_tongue:

They look pretty cool though, as always. I’ll take the bait and say somewhere in AM (I’m thinking one of the labs just after the lobby)?

Going to call it done.

Does this ring any bells?

Looks fantastic. Can’t wait to see it all ingame :slight_smile:

Huh. I like that the new design is more cohesive with the rest of the facility. The older design is cool, but it looked a bit too sci-fi, fanciful and cartoony.

I really really liked it.

You sir, have done a nice job.

Also trying to finish this one up.

I don’t know what you could possibly add to make it look better than it already is.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.