I don’t know if that’s true. I read it was a mistranslation and the title should read something like Infinite Fantasy.
Only no.
Also, it looks awesome, even if that trailer is prerendered.
About seven.
I dunno, the one real gameplay trailer we’ve been given wasn’t very promising. It basically seemed like an extra-pretty version of the part from Halo 2 where you’re on Earth, with some extra useless abilities and oh yea your character is nigh indestructible so long as you occasionally go without getting shot for 2 seconds. Though it could have been because the person who was playing seemed to suck pretty badly.
It DOES seem they’re going away from what made Crysis 1 so much fun, and more going towards a slightly more interesting Halo 2 except you don’t get the alien weapons.
PS: Games should NEVER not let you use a weapon you see somebody else using, especially if it’s a good one.
Fainalu Fantajii
Kind of hard to mistranslate something written in English :retard: .
Yep, and as long as a company keeps putting out good games I don’t think it really matters how many there are.
How is that a bad thing?
things usutally get pretty shit at the point they abandone numbers in favour of words. liek alien resurrection or something
Halo Reach? :retard:
Well at least not for FF because I liked 7 and after that I liked 9 and 11, or 12 I dont even know what it was :l
Actually, if I’m correct, all the games have no relationship between each other. Each game has a different plot, with different characters. So if I’m right (which i don’t know if i am d then they’re all different games with no sequel d: Again, I’m not completely sure, considering Ive never felt like playing those games.
Yes, since it’s going from Predator: The Game (with really neat-looking, though somewhat-uninteresting-to-fight-aliens) to Generic Humanoid Alien Shooter. It’d be like if they totally removed any ability for you to cause havoc in Roller Coaster Tycoon.
Waddya sayin’ dere, bub? Dem’s fightin’ woids.
im sure there are a lot of good examles of that i jsut cant think of them atm
The gameplay demo wasn’t too amazing, but some of the screenshots seems to show a somewhat more open world for Crysis 2. In anycase, Crysis never felt to me like Halo 2, even when it became more linear, so I’m not concerned.
I didn’t say Crysis was like Halo 2, I’m just saying the gameplay video we got from E3 made Crysis 2 look like Halo 2 with a face lift and a fancy watch.
I think the only prerendered trailer that has been accurate is the L4D2 trailer. My computer actually makes it look like that :retard:
Not only that, but it was called Final Fantasy exactly B/C of what Deimos said, G4 did a thing on Nobuo Uematsu, the guy behind the music for every game so far but 13, and he had said that Square was a failing company, if the game didn’t work it would literally be their final fantasy game. It worked, and because people loved it, the name just stuck.
and why is this? I mean, call me crazy, but if i encountered, say, a boss, with a plasma cannon or something, I’d sure as hell want to get it after I defeat him. same would go for normal enemies.
Exactly. And I hate games where enemies die with their super-cool weapons, or their corpse holds a permanent death grip on said weapon. It’s ALWAYS that weapon that’s cooler than anything you ever get.