Alternate Reality

What could happen when Gordon refused to work for G-man in the ending of Half-Life 1 besides dying? Did he survive? He has the Mark IV Suit that time. Maybe vortigaunts appear to help Gordon? Nihilanth was dead during that time to control them. Share your thoughts :slight_smile:

My idea was vortigaunts teleported him to safer parts of Xen and helped him go back to Earth as gratitude for killing the Nihilanth. He still got weapons from dead scientists there. He may even saw a cameo of Adrian Shephard then. Some Xenians became his allies for an upcoming war but G-man interferes somehow. G-man now forced Gordon to be in stasis and this time taking the Mark IV suit with him.

Rejecting G-Man’s offer might seem like inescapable death but it turns out that the Alien Grunts shoot magical projectiles of friendship and fun and they all live happily ever after.

Nooo. All the AGrunts just want a big hug.

I personally see the ending of you refusing the offer a perfectly good excuse for a npc spamming contest, and an up against impossible odds arena.

It’s a shame we never got to play that scenario out of being able to fight them all though you would never win… it becomes a bit of fun to see how long you could last. Theres got to be an achievement in there too.

I personally see moments like that as good examples to show the player consequences of their actions.

I think he died.

That’s actually nice idea: Make it a never ending battle just to see how long you can survive :smiley:

Gordon has sex with everyone. Eventually he dies of extreme prolapse

But that’s the current reality.

In Half-Life 2, G-Man says:

Rather than giving you the ILLUSION of free choice, I took the liberty of making the decision for you. (paraphrased)

The choice in Half-Life 1 was never really a choice.

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