Add a Proper Walk Button to Black Mesa

In this thread in the Bug Reporting section, a handful of users were lamenting the lack of a working “Walk” button in Black Mesa. Myself and a few others had a crack at the problem, and found that you can simulate a hold-and-release walk button with the following script snippets:

alias +walk "sv_maxspeed 65" alias -walk "sv_maxspeed 320" bind "ALT" "+walk"

Open up your dev console (with the “~” key; you may have to enable the developer console in the “Advanced” section of the Keyboard settings menu) and enter these three lines. Now, when you hold down “Alt”, you will move at walking speed. You may want to play with the numeric values to find speeds you like; another user reported that their preferred values were 80 for walking and 300 for running.

Happy strolling!

I believe the walk button is intended for people who have the ‘Always Run’ option enabled. Nethertheless proper walking would be nice!

Why would you ever want to walk?

presentable recordings.

Constant jogging kills the suspense. Also annoying when there’s loose crap laying around and you keep bumping and sliding around in it.
Additional precision, good for jumping puzzles.

Anyways, good job, I only managed to make a toggle walk, I didn’t know you could make a + alias. Thanks.

So you don’t have to crouch to sneak past the Tentacle Pit, or sneak up on enemies in general.

I though Shift switches from Run to Walk when you turn the Always Run option turned on. Then again, the walking speed and running speed feel nearly identical after zipping around for a few minutes.

I didn’t, but others did, and I enjoy cracking code-related problems.

Thanks a lot geekofalltrades! The lack of a proper walk button really bummed me out. This is working nicely.

You can put the 3 lines in your config.cfg if you want it to auto execute every time.

I’ve never used a walk button in any game. I haven’t used it once unless it was by accident.

Role-Playing (wrong game, I know)… :blush:

EDIT (09-22-2012, 09 : 36 PM): It’s a bit late for that, but thanks for this amazing script. Just tested it myself and it is very much the thing I’ve been missing all this time. Thanks for the effort!

But it sure as hell improves immersion. Especially in Anomalous Materials…

Thanks for this script. I have been one of the (few?) people who were missing being able to walk.

ahem If you have Always Run enabled, then using the Sprint key returns you to walking.

Just thought I’d mention that, since it helped me out a lot.

so is this like ‘realism walk’ tweak?

Can’t you just hold down the SHIFT key if you have auto-run enabled to walk? Or is that not slow enough? (I haven’t tried it)

We have a walk button added in the next update. Don’t bump unbelievably old threads, please.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.