Achievement ideas


I really have no problem with Achievements, I personally enjoy them a lot. I was just pointing out that Ramirezoid had a “-50g”, which is 50 Gamerscore points. Not that big a deal.

Personally, I wish they’d imported the achievements from the console’s HL 2 to the PC version.

Can’t Be Choosers: Ask for media at least 3 times on the forums.

Do You Know Who Ate All The Doughnuts?

A scientist says something completely redicoulous while you are in a firefight.

Honestly I think achievements are a no-brainer for BM… so suggesting them is unnecessary.

No doubt there will be one for crushing all the cockroaches, so don’t go there.

Plus, people who aren’t involved in the development of the mod and make completely arbitrary and thoughtless suggestions, as a majority, have proven time and again to be some of the most unimaginative, mindless and asinine people on the face of this planet… mainly because they don’t read the FAQ.

How exactly is that an achievement?

Save Barney’s Time And Crowbars - 50G

Don’t leave your Crowbar at Black Mesa…

How about an achievement for scientist saying something that is completely irrelevant to the situation. In the part where the scientists are trapped by turrets and trip mines: “Hello.” Uh, hi. Little busy here. “Do you know who ate all the donuts?” The donu- no! I dont have time to worry about that! I’ve got more important things on my mind right now, like trying not to set off these sensors!

Someone’s hidden my glasses again. “Okay, this is getting scary.”

Achievements for reproducing “Freeman’s Mind” ?

I consider this hard to accomplish, since random comments are, well - random. They never have anything to do with the situation and can thus not have any effect on an achievement.

“Coming in Peace” - Accomplish the Xen Factory Level without killing Vortigaunts
“AA gunner” - Gun down every Apache you come across
“Shark killer” - Kill every Ichtyosaur in the game

Work Harder Not Smarter- Lead an ally into a barnacle.

Pool’s Closed- Kill the Ichthyosaur in the flooded lab.

Secret Achievement: What Are You Doing Here?- Discover the hidden scientist in Xen.

Bravo Team Out- Gib 3 Marines with 1 grenade.

One Free Man: Kill all allies/have all allies die.

btw, I like ramrezoid’s Idea best.

Take the teleport to xen.

above 3 posts I like very much. keep it up

No, it completely ruins the immersion when I see a bloody achievement pop-up in the corner of my screen.

Wow, i agree it would be great to have Achievements in BM. And all the suggestions posted here sound awesome.

What about this one, “Follow Freeman” - get XX number of scientists and Barney’s to follow you for XX distance in XX level and get them past XX number of enemies.

I’ve used so many XX’s since i cant really remember in which chapter there were enough people around for this task to be accomplished.

And one more, “Payback” - Kill 3 Alien Grunts using only the Hivehand.

Than simply program the game not to pop-up anything in the corner of the screen. You can still have achievements.

Secret achivement: Wake up, Mr freeman - Dont move a single mm during the tram ride.
First drink of the day - Use a wending machine to get a can of coke.
Toxicity - Die from hazardous liquid.
B.Y.O.B - Kill a barney, while he’s in the middle of the sentance “Come back later, and i’ll buy you a beer”.

Is this technically possible to add achievements to the mod?

It would be “kool” (sorry for that), if you could pick up the microwave and it could be the next gnome from episode 2.

Would objects travel with you when you teleport?

And where would you put the microwave? Nihilnth’s head?

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