I posted this in another discussion forum a while back. There was a lot of back and forth on the spirituality of it but not anything of substance. Here it go.
There is little mention of brass tacks in this thread so i will add some. In the USA, there are almost 600,000 abortions every year. There are numerous reasons that a woman CHOOSES to get an abortion, but none of those are really relevant for this discussion.
What would happen if it were illegal? With an infant mortality rate of 6.8 per 1000 live births, that would leave 595,920 more babies born every year. With a us poverty rate of 13% to 17% that would mean between 77,000 to over 100,000 additional children born below the poverty line every year. Assuming that every parent who could afford it would raise a child, and we go for minimum poverty levels, that would mean 77,495 babies born every year to parents who couldn’t afford it. Now, parents who cannot afford to raise their kids have four choices.
1: Give the kid up for adoption
2: let their children starve to or not take care of basic medical needs. Both can often lead to complicated conditions later on in life that cost even more money to treat.
3: Get some form of govt. assistance
4: Commit crimes, such as drug dealing, prostitution, or theft
This is real, not a moral argument
The first , while it sounds good, is not. There are over 120,000 unadopted kids in the US right now with an additional 600,000 in child services ie, with parents who CANNOT take care of them.
The second is horrible. Nobody wants to see a child starve, except maybe a Nazi. Having to choose between food and medical care is nothing but desperation.
The third is what a lot of people do. Welfare, food stamps, emergency rooms and low income clinics.
The Fourth, well, poverty and crime are like chocolate and peanut butter, white and rice, stink and sh!t, “Moral” politics and personal infidelity/corruption
What all of these things have in common is money. I'm not sure how other nations do this but this is how it works in America .
The first, state governments provide $30,000 per child in the CPS. Add up the unadopted and cps kids and multiply that by 30,000 and you get $21,600,000,000. That is billions of TAX dollars. thats not counting the aborted kids either.
The second, when people are too poor to buy medical care, they go the the ER for treatment. When they fail to pay, the cost is passed on to those who are insured or the taxpayers.
The third, well, who funds the government, the individual taxpayers as most large corporations use loopholes to not pay any taxes
The fourth, even if the cost of the crimes directly is not factored in, the cost of policing, prosecution, defending and incarcerating those who commit said crimes is huge, and is paid for by taxpayers like me.
Kids cost money, and in the USA when those who can’t or won’t take care of the kids, the taxpayers do, often with horrible results, from abuse, to fraud, not to mention kids who grow up never knowing thew love of a parent.
So, if a woman knows she can not or will not raise a child properly, having the option to terminate the pregnancy is a good thing, for her, other children, the taxpayers and the nation as a whole and that is why abortion needs to be and should be legal.
thanks for reading.
PS. isn’t it ironic that conservative politicians, that speak of eliminating social services of all kinds, who have a “moral” argument against abortion never seem to have a plan to pay for all the additional kids that would be born if it were illegal?
Poverty: https://www.npc.umich.edu/poverty/
Abortion: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/ss5713a1.htm?s_cid=ss5713a1_e
Infant mortality rate: https://www.google.com/publicdata?ds=wb-wdi&met=sp_dyn_imrt_in&idim=country:USA&dl=en&hl=en&q=us+infant+mortality+rate
thats all I can put up now, I have to go to work