A map of BM's Black Mesa Research Facility

So I’ve spent the better part of today capturing overhead views of each and every one of the game’s map, and I’ve consolidated them into one image. It’s pretty interesting how vast this place really is.

Some mods present in the image:
On a Rail: Loop Mod by .RK
On a Rail Uncut by TextFAMGUY1
Surface Tension Uncut by TextFAMGUY1

And overheads by chapter:
Inbound = bm_c0a0a - bm_c0a0b - bm_c0a0c
AnamalousMaterials = bm_c1a0a - bm_c1a0b
Unforeseen Consequences = bm_c1a1a - bm_c1a1b - bm_c1a1c - bm_c1a1d - bm_c1a1e
Office Complex = bm_c1a2a - bm_c1a2b - bm_c1a2c
We’ve Got Hostiles = bm_c1a3a - bm_c1a3b - bm_c1a3c
Blast Pit = bm_c1a4a - bm_c1a4b- bm_c1a4c - bm_c1a4d- bm_c1a4e
Power Up = bm_c2a1a - bm_c2a1b
On a Rail = bm_c2a2a - bm_c2a2a1 - bm_c2a2a2 - bm_c2a2b - bm_c2a2b1 - bm_c2a2b2 - bm_c2a2c
Apprehension = bm_c2a3a - bm_c2a3b - bm_c2a3c
Residue Processing = bm_c2a4a - bm_c2a4b - bm_c2a4c
Questionable Ethics = bm_c2a4d - bm_c2a4e - bm_c2a4f - bm_c2a4g
Surface Tension = bm_c2a5a - bm_c2a5b - bm_c2a5c - bm_c2a5d - bm_c2a5e - bm_c2a5f - bm_c2a5g - bm_c2a5h - bm_c2a5i
Forget about Freeman = bm_c3a1a -bm_c3a1b
Lambda Core = bm_c3a2a - bm_c3a2b - bm_c3a2c - bm_c3a2d - bm_c3a2e - bm_c3a2f - bm_c3a2g - bm_c3a2h

I’ll probably upload individuals tomorrow.

Update: Now with stocks:

Full Overhead Stock
Surface Tension Stock
On a Rail Stock

Great job! I’m glad that you broke it down by chapter. :slight_smile:

Quick question, because I saw similar on another full-map of BMRF from the original Half-Life: In the Blast Pit overhead map, there’s this huge half-moon shape thing that dominates the right side of the image, extending from the top to the bottom of the image. It’s even visible on the full overhead map.

What the hell is that?

Cool! I must upload that to the wiki ASAP.

Are these the “aerial” shots of the original maps, without any mod?

If not, can you please make the shots of the vanilla versions? I cannot upload the modified versions in the articles (they are related only to the vanilla versions).

So in fact u can recreate the most part of the facility?

I mean, one big image?


That is the the very first part of Blast Pit just after you go down that elevator. You take that tram from quite a ways until it goes out of control and crashes.

I admit it would be a bit easier to tell if the radioactive lakes showed up on these maps but unfortunately they just don’t like rendering from a certain distance :stuck_out_tongue:

Give me some time and I’ll do that.

Will you also need a vanilla version of the whole facility too?

Maybe you can photoshop the radioactive lakes in yourself?

You mean in one whole map?
Because in that case, that will hit Source its limits :p.

I always love these maps.

Don’t worry, take your time!

Sure, if you feel inclined to do it… I know it could demand a lot of work, so it is up to you.

Would be great to put the whole BMRF overview on a side by side comparison with the HL’s version here.

Indeed, but u can make one gigant pic out of it, copy-pasting the different parts?

Oh, awesome. I didn’t realize that part took up a major part of the facility’s size.

I encountered that problem when putting together an overview of the Hazard Course. I just made a backup of the original VMT and changed it to point to a plain colored VTF.

Jesus Christ, that one area is seriously nearly the size of Surface Tension? :zip:

Ask and thy shall receive. Here’s stock versions of the modded chapters, as well as a complete overhead that reflects as such.

Surface Tension Stock
On a Rail Stock

In other news, Surface Tension is still a fuster-cluck.

What’s also impressive is that the foot of the dam to the pipes (from ST) is nearly the distance from the Anti-Mass Spectrometer to the Blast Pit. We walk four chapters worth of distance in just one map. There’s tons more room for comparisons.

gj RK. It’s pretty fuckin’ cool to see it like that.

Nicely done!

ggod work… Pretty epic

Just great!

So a RPG or something would be nice to play!


Updated OP with overheads of individual maps.

You sir deserve 1 thousand internetz for that, and of course my sincere gratitude!

Thank you so much.

I find it really interesting that not only is Surface Tension and Forget About Freeman one huge clusterfuck of an overlap, but that it also sits directly ontop of the Lambda Complex, which is apparently right under the Advanced Biological Research Lab. So basically, we spend half the game looking for a lab that is literally right under our noses! Hahaha

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.