.50 Cal Turret (which is NOT a Submachine Gun)

Hi, I have a suggestion about a stationary machine gun. In my opinion it is better to do the same as in l4d. This will make the animation holding gun as 1 person and 3. It may also disappear bug with constant rotating machine gun aside.

I believe this is the wrong subforum for suggestions.

How does one hold a gun as 1 person and 3?

youtube.com/watch?v=k8dV9TvDNn4 from 3:20

I mean that devs can create 1 person animation and animation for world model

What if 2 person want to gun though

Then you get 2 gun wtf rot what kind of question is that

You not use minigun like in hl2 , u use it like in l4d

I still want to know why this thread is called submachine gun.

I don’t even know what this thread is.

I am going to assume that you mean first and third person views.

Black mesa minigun animation
L4D minigun animation

I want to have the same animation of 1 person of 50cal as in l4d

I’d assume the devs want the minigun to behave the same way it did in Half-Life 1.

Why is the 1 person submachine gun not like a 3 person minigun?

Because the 3 person minigun has more person


That is most definitely not a submachine gun, mate. Also you might want to consider posting your suggestions elsewhere.

We considered doing L4D style turrets at one point. Their implementation is indeed superior to the Half-Life one, in our opinion. But, we deemed it to be too much trouble and work for a relatively minor mechanic. We may look at it at some point in the future though.

I renamed the thread title by the way. As much as your choice of title amused me, it was also triggering me.

Should be doable in hammer with say a point_viewcontrol?

Was that a pun?

For shame, Text. For shame!

You’d still need to move the player’s hitbox and model, especially for multiplayer.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.