You sure? I can’t remember any.
yes , i remember that there was a room with a health charger and the two zombies were in either corner of the room
I winder if its going to be like sort of like Opposing Force for zombies where they have the big soldier zombies that chuck hearts at you.
Those weren’t soldier zombies. Those were gonomes and they wont be in Black mesa.
And to Nerdinium, I don’t remember that part.
i think it’s at the end when you have to ditch the train when it reaches one of those revolving platforms that takes the train up and down from different levels because the platform is broken sigh i might post a picture…
EDIT: jump to 2:00
That screenshot looks outdated as hell. The zombies in it are using default HL2 animations whereas they now have brand new ones.
Oh yeah! That part. I always hated that part.
ya me too at the last runs through that part i started coming in through the window so i dont have to bother with the zombies
I always just chuck a satchel charge down there. Kills 'em real good.
or a grenade because there were spare grenades in the room as well , but the whole window gag was funny cause you can go in and out and the zombies go crazy not knowing which direction to turn
i think zombies in hl1 are an easy enemy. the game should have a better number of them.
cheers from
in black mesa the zombie count will increase and decrease according to the difficulty you choose , at least that’s what i think… while in half-life i think it just made your guns do less damage and increased the zombies’ damage
but if you can change the zombie count, the game loses contact with reality. i mean, things happen in the same way everywhere. nobody can change the game history.
i don’t speak english very well, i hope you understand me.
cheers from
the zombies will increase in number so long as that number is within sensible boundaries … and i doubt that would change anything in the story line except more intense ass-kicking
Yes, i understand and i agree
Cheers from Malaysia as well.
I love that they’re easy! I always found it fun circle around them like a noob and show off your crowbar skills on their face. I’d love to have more zombies in Black Mesa but not too many too make them just annoying like in HL2.
I remembered there being zombies there
i loved how the camera-well, gordon’s few tilted when he got hit by the zombie’s arm swing, don’t think it was in hl2…
It was in HL2.
Just not exactly the same, still awesome anyway.
How about Zombie torsos? I always thought those were a nice feature.
But I must say, I don’t wanna see any poison or fast zombies in the game. Not because I don’t like them, they just don’t fit in with the story.