You're All Faggots

Synonym Toast Crunch. It’s toasted bread coated in powdered bark of the Cinnamomum tree.

I think you guys fail to realize that a perma ban means you dont get to come back again under a new name. New registrations have been shut down due to bot registrations. So anyone that is perma banned… at least for now… really is perma banned.

Or did you guys not realize this?

I think all of the moderators are kinda sad about this but it is a needed measure for now as a result of the problems we have had. Oh wait… you guys don’t SEE those problems.


Yeah. Sorry Med. Hope to see you on the other end. Some day.

I didn’t notice that new registration was off, not because I didn’t notice the spam bots just because I, ya know haven’t tried to make a new account. I understand that you might need to vent because of the work that has to be done as a mod, but don’t try and make me feel like an ass for goofing off.

aw shucks ninja… that wasn’t my intention at all dood and I am sorry if it came across that way buddy.

I just see a thread where someone spouted off and got himself perma, and everyone else is lolling over it. Heck I lol’ed a bit too. It is all in good fun and all, and I certainly allow for that.

I just dont know if folks realize that for right now, a perma ban really REALLY is a perma ban.

I’m scared of posting gifs now :frowning:

I’m not sure if it was simply posting a slew of large .gif files, but there might have been other extenuating circumstances. At least, according to how I’m reading the posts by the mods.

(Hm. The Mods…now I’m thinking of a guy in green glasses and green lab coat forcing people to watch horrible movies whilst they make fun of what they’re watching.)

(Push the button, Catz.)[/SIZE]

I feel violated :fffuuu:

Oh he does. He DOES see everything! trust me bros’!

You know what? Hang on a sec…

Because Cinnamon Toast Crunch is awesome? I love that stuff. I don’t get to eat it all the time though, more often than not any cereal I eat is Corn Flakes or cold, packaged oatmeal.

I bet with you, he likes what he sees eyebrow wiggling

Medevilae’s ban has been lifted recently (temp ban), just to inform you guys :slight_smile:

you are in this thread. Therefore, you care.


Perma ban just before the anouncment of the release date !?

Like having tickets for an awesome party you have been waiting three years for, but receiving a house ban for behaving like an idiot while standing in the queue.

I miss Dillxn.

dude cool it down :slight_smile:
why you look at this topic if you do not care? :stuck_out_tongue:
no reason to quarrel :slight_smile:

wow ban this fag

I already do not like killer.

Kill killer.

Cut the off-topic crap, people.

You’re all faggots.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.