My TOP 5
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol 1 to 3 + the black dossier
Personally, this story is alot better than watchmen imo, and is nothing like that shit movie. the stories are very clever, mixing story together from novels and now in its 3rd vol.
- Kingdom Come
Possible the best DC comic imo & add the artwork of Alex Ross and you got awesome in a bag
- Watchmen
I been posted on a 100 threads, and everyone has a different opinion on it.
- Most Star War comics But I gonna pick Dark Empire
Possible due to the fact that the story is about the New Republic gettings its ass handed to them mostly through the story, althought they win in the end up… (not much of a spoiler) Hey its star wars
- The Killing Joke
Possible the only batman comic I like, imo batman comics are overrated.
My Worst 5:
- 28 Days Later: THE AFTERMATH
What shit storm of a comic!
- Doom The Comic
Based on doom 1, this comic is hilariously bad.
view it here
Well sorry I don’t have may bad comics, but it shouldn’t stop you.