You might want to check your ads.

I just connected to the main BM site, and got a full page replacement ad from some company wanting me to fill out a 4 page survey. It replaced the BM page in the browser window, popped up a smaller box with a “continue” button, and had a loud voice congratulating me on being selected for this survey. I had to x out of the small dialog box before I could close the main browser window.

Use Adblock.

Problem solved.

Yes, It does solve the problem on a person to person basis, but the site staff should still be alerted to this intrusive/obstructive advertising so they can still get ad-revenue from the uninformed masses who don’t use adblock.

This would fit better in the website support section.

Increased AD placement on the Black Mesa main page? It must mean it’s releasing soon!!! brb posting news on different sites.

Which is where I think I put it… (checks the path at the top of the page) It’s there now, if I didn’t put it there originally.

Yes, because everyone uses that shit ass browser Firefox, problem solved indeed.

Chrome has adblock too…

And Opera too…

And most other browsers too…

not ie though, what a surprise

IE does have AdBlock? Or AdBlock alternatives, I know because I use them.

I think most of the “hur dur IE sucks” is fucking idiots not knowing how to use anything without big arrows or walkthroughs.

Or the fact that IE is slower than the other browsers…

Nope, in fact I find other browsers slower (Firefox takes a good 20 seconds at least to load. IE9 is instant and has been since 7).

And as for rendering speed, I honestly don’t notice a difference.

I use multiple browsers to test sites, so I have compared them.

oh it does? my mistake :stuck_out_tongue: ie sucks for web development though

Damnit, I’ve been in this several times and I still read the title as “You might want to check your aids.”

Same thing happened to me yesterday. I was too lazy to make a thread about it though.

IE9 has been fucking up for me lately. (Probably my suck-ass computer) So I’ve been using Firefox as an alternative. Works just as good as IE9 used to to.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.