Honest But Brutal Answers To Further Questions
<Bright | Yoric | Echo | Other Member> is being mean to my article!? Yes, and? Did you actually read the FAQ section on “Critique”? Are they breaking any rules?
No, but I want them to stop! It’s not going to happen. That’s just how we are. If we actually are being mean, and you aren’t just misreading our sarcasm, there’s a reason for it. The reason is you’re a moron. Maybe you should get some help with that?
I put my SCP up for review and not that many people responded. Then I posted it and it was rejected. Can I blame other people for its failure? HAHAHAHAHAno. Seriously, deleted SCPs are a part of life. Deal.
But, we’re like, totally an amazing member of this other community, and we have so many ideas to improve the site! Why is everyone being a jerk when we tell them how they should be doing things? Because we don’t know you from Adam. Or Eve. Or Steve, Adam’s gay roommate. We’re old coots, set in our ways, because they work. If you do have an idea, don’t feel like you can’t send it past us, but don’t be disappointed when it gets shot down. And, when someone tells you no, that is not permission to go ahead and do it anyways. If you expect to come in and be instantly recognized for the genius you are, not only will you be severely disappointed, BUT! This might not be the right site for you.
I have an awesome site and am currently the admin there. May I please have admin here? No. We do not know who you are. We do not know your site. We do not care if you are those guys from Penny Arcade, when you join up here, you start at the bottom. Eventually, if you’re not a moron, you might move up. But we doubt it.
I own an IRC channel on the synIRC network and it is quite successful. May I please have admin in our chat? Fuck no. Stop being stupid.
When a mod says “Stop” they mean, “Talk louder and more stupid”, right? Were you dropped on your head a lot as a child, while eating paint chips, underneath powerlines? If a member of the Senior Staff tells you to stop, you stop, then and there. You are more than welcome to PM them to ask why you have to stop, as long as you understand that when they say a conversation is over - it’s over.
Hey, those decomms are pretty funny. Can I write a shitty article just so you can decomm it? No. No, no, no, no, no. Did we mention no? Having an SCP so terrible that it has to be decommissioned is NOT a good thing. One of the reasons we rarely do them anymore is because people wanted to gain infamy. Also, don’t be a fuckwit.
is so bad in so many ways! Can we keep it around as an example of what not to do? No. As you already read, there are as many ways for an article to be bad as there are shades of gray. Anything we keep around as an example is going to be ignored by people who would actually benefit from its advice and would be useless to those who would actually need it. Also, worse things have been posted (yes, they have), and we didn’t save those either.
So, I’m a Furry and… Stop. Stop right there. There is absolutely NO reason to tell us that information apropos of nothing. I (Bright) don’t walk up to random people on the internet/street and say ‘Hi, I’m a sadist.’ Hell, the subject of sexuality doesn’t even come up unless I’m attracted to someone. Or drunk. Or it’s REALLY boring at work. My point is, whether you’re a Furry, Little, Sadist or Professional Dominant, it’s not information we need to know. Now, on to your question…?
There wasn’t one. I’m just a fictional strawman for you to make that rant. Oh yeah… Thanks for doing your job, then.
What advice would you give a new writer? Read. The. Goddamn. Required. Fucking. Reading. No, seriously, read it! Absorb it. Read it again. Look at some examples, read through the forums and discussion pages, (they are open to public viewing) and then read it a-fucking-gain. It makes you look pretty god damn stupid when you post an SCP, half finished, and people start yelling at you for it, when it tells you in the rules NOT to do that. Or if you have a signature. Or if what you’ve written is an unreviewed piece of utter trash. You have a great idea? Good for you! guess what, we’ve seen most of them. This site has been up for… Three, four years? We have almost five THOUSAND members. We’ve got almost two THOUSAND SCPs. We’ve seen damned near everything, at least once. And what you think is OH MY GOD AWESOME, we think is just another piece of shit we’ll have to delete. Lurk. For the sake of humanity, lurk. Take part in the discussions, talk in the forums and the chat, find out why people are downvoting something you think looks cool. Then, go back, and READ THE REQUIRED READING again, and make sure you do it RIGHT.
Where do babies come from? Well, when a man and a woman love each other very much [REDACTED] and then the mommy says ‘Oooh, I’ve never seen one so big!’ [REDACTED] seven dwarves, but not those seven dwarves, that’d be silly, [REDACTED] which is the exact moment your uncle Steve comes out from behind the camera [REDACTED] 17 monkeys, three camels, and a VERY frisky otter [REDACTED] which kind of makes sense, considering your hair color [REDACTED] dirty, dirty, dirty whore [REDACTED] “It’ll never fit!” [REDACTED] and then, nine months later, with your mother cussing the entire time, and plotting your eventual devise, bam, a baby is adopted from an Asian country by two happy lesbians.