I have recently upgraded to Windows 8.
Unfortunately I upgraded before finishing Black Mesa.
Because when I go in to play Black Mesa, it now runs incredibly slow.
I saw that somebody else here had the same issue with Windows 8, and he fixed his problem by ‘Running as an Administator’
I have already tried to run steam as an administrator and play Black Mesa, and the problem still persists.
The warnings that come up in the console are:
Error! Variable “$surfaceprop” is multiply defined in material “models/props_c17/oil_drum_chunks001a”!
Attempted to create unknown entity type Default!
NULL Ent in UTIL_PrecacheOther
Performance warning: Merge with ‘weapons/w_glock_lh.mdl’. Mark bone ‘ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand’ in model ‘humans\hassassin.mdl’ as being used by bone merge in the .qc!
Attempted to create unknown entity type Default!
NULL Ent in UTIL_PrecacheOther
Please let me know if there is a fix to this Windows 8 problem! And if so, when can I expect a fix?
Thank you very much.