Seeing as the new Deus Ex game is coming out, and seeing that Square Enix is supervising it, I am greatly concerned that the game wont be as good as the original Deus Ex. So what happened to Ion Storm? They gave us one of the greatest games of all time, it seems as if all of these great old time game companies are going away. (Same happened with Sierra. Whatever happened to the origianal Half-Life publisher?) So what happed to them? Were they closed when Eidos almost went out of business this year? or what?
Game studios that have very successful titles often destroy themselves attempting to top their first effort. See: 3D Realms. I guarantee there is some excellent literature on the topic of the fate of Ion Storm, why don’t you google it?
Stop making useless threads. You could ask it in the chat thread
ohai gais i just completted teh frist mision of desu sex am i cool yet??? nao weres ino sotrm and waren septor r they wrokink on dat mikcey muse gaem o gee i dunno
Daikatana and Invisible War happened.