lol I just found this
Seriously guys, he’s a redhead, he lives in texas, he’s a bad actor and he played in one of theworst series ever created.
As if anyone needed a video to know that line…
also, Imonfire…stfu.
Freddie Mercury is a much cooler gay guy.
Senor Phallico McWigglesWorth.
or Neon Impulse. that would be pretty cool IRL… or bawb0rt, why is just a modification of my own, dull name.
hmm… I’d have to go with Neon Impulse :retard:
GUYS! If Chuck Norris hears you he will kill you.
As for myself, I’m perfectly happy being an Alex.
Timotheus…don’t know why.
Scarlett Johansson
Fuckhead Cooper
Shit Face McScrotum Anal Fuck Jr.