What was your first Game that you had played in your Life?

Galaxians on ZX Spectrum in 1987 when I was 3 years old.

First ever game I played that i remember was CrashBandicoot 1, first game I played on the PC was Unreal.

I think it was either Colin Macrar rally on the PS1, or Super Mario Bros 3 on NES

Tetris on one of those handheld Tetris things that ran on batteries with giant pixels.

Then some Commodore games, but I was too bad at them and it took a day to get the freaking machine running so I never really played them, just tried.

Then Super Mario Bros on Sega… I played that a LOT… Still do on Emulator.

Then probably Half-Life 1 and then Opposing Force at my friend’s house.

A few years later I got my own computer and I could actually play whatever I wanted (well almost, since it ran Windows 2000 which was only compatible with Calculator.exe) :smiley:

battle city. and some game I cannot remember where I had to shoot a cowboy with a laser gun.
Then came this goodness:

First game on PC - fallout.

Doom. 'Nuff said.

Warcraft 2?

Probably a Space Invaders clone on a P2000 at school back in the mid 80s.

My first system that i remember is N64 and my first game i remember is super mario 64.

Most likely one of the original mega drive sonic’s, and i still play them to this day.Best games ever made IMO.


Probably Starfox 64 on console, and Age of Empires 1 for PC.

But possible some educational PC games, I’m not sure. Those don’t really count though.

first game on PC: some ms dos vertical space scroller, it was also the first time I saw my dad

First ever was either Centipede or Pacman, I’m not sure on that one. First console game was probably the Smurfs on Colecovision. First PC game was Space Quest 1 on my friend Joseph’s blazing fast 286.

One of the Super Mario Land games for the original Game Boy. Can’t remember which I played first, but I definitely played 6 Golden Coins more. I still pull that one out every couple of years.

MDK, the first one on PC.

It was an arcade game here or there.
It was kinda fuzzy until my dad came home in a whirl of extacy with a copy of Half-Life 2.
HE got ME involved in PC gaming.

I was six years old when I first played through Ravenholm. God those scars will never leave me…

Wow i feel old…the first game i ever played was SOPWITH it was mono toned.

First game, huh? Probably peek-a-boo or got-your-nose or something.


Nah, the first video game I ever played was Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon. It’s weird how much of that game I still remember to this day, considering I haven’t touched it in probably 12 years.

Then my second was MK 3.

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