What are you listening to?

Joe Rogan Fight Companion, from last night’s UFC fights.

KoRn - Narcissistic Cannibal

Godsmack - Make Me Believe

Avenged Sevenfold - Carry On

Swans - No Cure for the Lonely

Soil - Black 7

St Vincent - Kerosene

Back when I lived at home, I would get that mood all the time, and my parents would constantly tell me to turn down my headphones. I still don’t see any hearing loss from it.

On topic: Bullet - Hollywood Undead


Nonpoint - Breaking Skin

Mostly while driving. This is one of my favorites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBIQ3YGhNuk

Rob Zombie - Dead City Radio

Red - Lie To Me

Hemlock - Becoming

KoRn - Here To Stay

I applaud you for choosing a song whose title is the polar opposite to what Kamikal has been listening to. :slight_smile:

Well, here’s what I’m listening to:
Future of the Left - The Hope that House Built

It’s just what I picked out. :expressionless:

Gemini Syndrome - Babylon

The theme song to Deus Ex.

I know they’re made by the same guy, but it’s really surprising just how similar it is to the Unreal soundtrack.

Bloodsimple Straight Hate

Sufjan Stevens - Bad Communication

If you like weird music (jazz-infused), give this a try – the first song is particularly brilliant:


Neptune - The Gilded Bomb

I’m trying to figure out all the lyrics to this song since I can’t find a site that lists them. Most of them are pretty easy but there are a couple parts where I have no idea what they’re saying. Mostly “the scaly body of ***” and “listen ***”.

Mastodon, Octopus Has No Friends, over and over every few hours until I get home tonight :smiley:

Slipknot - Before I Forget

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