What are you listening to?

Miami Horror - Don’t Be On With Her

Gemini Syndrome - Syndrome

Rush. As usual.

August Burns Red - The Truth Of A Liar

RX Bandits - Tainted Wheat

F-Zero GX/AX - For The Glory -feat. Mutecity’s Theme- (Mute City)

Looks like I made you catch the F-Zero music bug…


David Bowie - Hallo Spaceboy

Slipknot - People=Shit

Godsmack - Faceless

Disco Biscuits - Helicopters

:slight_smile: ) I Love it!

LordSkunk approves. I love Primus. Saw them last year, excellent show.

Whatever the hell this is, I clicked it by accident and now I can’t stop listening

I didn’t even think to look for new RCE stuff live since they’re talking about a new album.

River City Extension - Ohio

The CNK - L’Hymne à la Joie & Cosa Nostra Klub

Perfect Pussy - Work

All That Remains - The Last Time (their new stuff is so limp)

Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here. I prefer it to Dark Side of the Moon, oddly enough.

^Lots of people actually think DSotM is overrated. Not necessarily a weird opinion.

Louis Philippe - With and Without You

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.