What are you listening to?

Slipknot - Disasterpiece

It’s different from their other stuff. I think it’s their best album, to date anyways.

I’ve been listening to a random assortment of fingerstyle arrangements on YouTube, tho nothing or no one in particular. I’m trying to pick up on techniques to use myself, and so far I’ve found a couple inspiring arrangements.

KoRn - Hater

Stone Sour - Tired

Glenn Branca - Symphony 1, First Movement

Three Days Grace - The High Road

Nothingface - Dead Like Me

Gorefest - Revolt, The War on Stupidity

Punk lyrics in Death Metal style, perfect when you’re pissed !

Reminds me of the first lyrics of the first song of one of the best albums ever:


Refused rocks so hard.

I need to buy their new album. I have in my digital cart on Amazon, just waiting for some income to purchase it.

Her Space Holiday - Key Stroke

Last - Nine Inch Nails - Broken EP

God, this song is intense.

Bob Serger - Turn The Page

Light This City - The Last Catastrophe

Daniel Hart - How Can Love Be Wrong?

It’s been a while since I laughed this hard.

Sufjan Stevens - The Child with the Star on His Head

Fear Factory - Big God/Raped Souls

Tori Amos - Unrepentant Geraldines

This album is wonderful, and it’s very Beekeeper (thankfully, given I think that’s the best album Tori’s done and Night of the Hunters was unbelievably mediocre).

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