What are you listening to?

DevilDriver - Hold Back The Day

Ozzy seems pretty “robotic” in his movements, probably as a result of poor choices made years ago. His singing, at times, was a little off key, but considering his age and what he’s been through, he can still belt it out. Too bad Bill Ward, the original drummer, decided not to take part in their touring. His replacement in the video did a standout job, though.

Parts of their new album, Thirteen, sound good and harkens back to their early work, but I just can’t bring myself to buy it.

On topic, I’m listening to the Hogwash album by Groundhogs, an old British trio.

Gemini Syndrome - Pay for This

Gemini Syndrome - Syndrome

Yes I was so disappointed the drummer left the band.

Where the Corpses Sink Forever FULL ALBUM by Carach Angren
Symphonic Black Metal from The Netherlands

If you like orchestral folk-rock you’ll probably like this

It would’ve been pretty nice without the vocals.

Really? I love the lyrics on that one

Enh, I guess I’m weird like that.


^ You’re*


  1. Observe my grammar in other posts (two of them are on this same page).
  2. Now observe my latest post again and note the lack of punctuation and the fact that it’s all in capitals.


GWAR - Sick Of You
Crowbar - Sever The Wicked Hand

I’ll leave it off here. Same songs as last time.

Napalm Death - Suffer The Children

Forsaken - The Swarm

(I’m currently subtitling “Civil Protection: On a Rail” so I wanted to hear the full version of the train ride song.)

I thought that song was so cool when I first heard it. Pretty Propellerheads-ish.

EDIT: There’s almost two straight minutes of Amen Breaking in this song. IT IS FUCKING GLORIOUS. (If you just want the break, it’s @ 02:22. Kinda in the background for the whole song, but here it goes to the forefront.)

Haken - Cockroach King (Single Version)

Converge - Jane Doe

Decapitated - Flash B(l)ack
Aeon - Luke 4:5-7

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