Voteban Y/N

I don’t know if it is possible or not, but what are people’s thought’s of adding a voteban to the forums?

If someone bothered enough people, say 25 or 30, they could vote him to be banned and he would get a 1 or 3 day voteban.

Discuss pros and cons to such a system and why you’d be for or against it, bscly.

that is highly required here, so I say yes

pros; we could take a bit of trouble off of the dev team’s shoulders
cons; spambots are users too and votespam could lead to innocent users being banned by spambots

Long story short; voteban is a bad idea

Pros: Less of a workload for mods.

Cons: People would be banned for the most random shit in the world, mostly for unjust reasons. There’s a reason only mods can decide who can be banned. Members would just vote for who they don’t disagree with or who was jokingly giving them a hard time.

I understand that it’s a voteban, but you have to remember that the average user on the Black Mesa Forum is an immature idiot. I hardly trust them with the ability to post.

I would be the first one to vote ban all regulars and the last to vote ban newbs. Personally, there are a lot of regulars that need to get their mouths washed out with soap, and need to step away from the puter for a few days. And no, I dont think a vote ban is a good idea. There is already enough shark circling that goes on, this would make it worse for a moderator to govern. Actually yeah, I would probably resign as moderator if a vote ban came in to play. That is how strong I feel about it.

spambots? seriously?
they’re on forums to post their ads and not to ban or report people

but if users like MGA could create at least three other alts to continue using our forums… you see where this is going.

That is why you would need a VERY high amount of votes to actually ban someone. a person should only be allowed one vote per week aswell, just incase some spammer does manange to make 30+ accounts unnoticed.

bad idea - but i would support a digg-style thumbs up-thumbs down post rating system, linked to user rankings. So a large amount of shit posts would get one demoted to cockroach eventually. Yes, that would be nice.

ooh, I like this idea lots and lots. :smiley:

Yeah, that would only incite flaming wars, espcially since it would require lots of votes to ban someone, there’s a good chance of it failing, and then you just have inflamed tensions and more flaming ensues causing more work for moderators. People might try vote banning someone as a joke, and others actually agree and ban them.

That is a good point, I didn’t think about that. :bulb:

would be cool if the forums could implement the thing from jurrassic part where the fat guy is all uh uh uh say the magic word

who are you, Dennis Nedry?

This! For the mother effing truth. Unfortunately the value of the cons out weight the value of the pros(by this i mean that we’re better off not having this feature).

Also you have to take into consideration that there are a lot (like 60% of this forum) of easy irritable people on this forum. There are some people on this forum who would call you a troll for the most untroll related things e.g. “omg guys! im sick of siggs putting a full-stop a line below his posts. lets voteban him so i would never see that.” “omg i sick of reading xxxxx fucked up english, lets jsut voteban him to teach him a lesson to learn proper English before posting on our forums”
And see you get the idea…

I say just add the people you dislike on your ignore list or just ignore them. If it anit broke dont fix it…

I like how facepunch lets you rate posts dumb/creative/helpful.

You called?

Also, I think this would be abused way too much, if my GMod server is anything to go by.

A youtube-like post rating system would be in order.

also a youtube post posting system would be pretty rad

Oh, how I love NINJA’ing people.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.