Video embed

I just think webmasters should allow us to embed the YT video into the reply field instead of adding those stupid links, shouldn’t they?


No that’s gay.

Didn’t need it’s own thread…

you two faggot

yes seriously
i know theres youtube tags

we actually used to have it before the forum crash, also we had a different host

Do you mean we used to have an HTML tag?

No, it was a BBCode tag. But close enough, really. It used to work, and then it didn’t anymore. I don’t know the technical reasons why. I’m not important enough to be involved with that (or intelligent enough to figure it out on my own).

Guess it’s not because of some trolls.
Or it just because video tags are some kind annoying.

They weren’t annoying, I don’t see why they weren’t reimplemented


I WANT TO BELIEVE [COLOR=‘Black’](I know you only put in the end code, wanna see how many people use the link)

I love that song, I hope you guy too.

They’re only annoying if auto-play is enabled, which can be forced off through the forum.


They are annoying in the same way that large irrelevant pictures are annoying.

Pictures are kinda unavoidable though, who wouldn’t complain if pictures were banned?

That’s why it is how it is.

Or something like that anyway.

You can choose not to watch YouTube videos as long as autoplay is disabled.

and the disabled video doesn’t take much memory, does it.

flash player is bad and makes scrolling through a thread a real pain in the ass

unless you have a core iabout7 with 7 aboutbytes of DDR 7.1

if we had embedded video, this thread would be full of rebecca black -_-

if you are on firefox, just use greasemonkey and add the script youtube title adder.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.