Valve has gone Harlem! (Update from Valve: "Maybe next year.")

Just go to their home page.
and wait.

Ohhh I hate that music

I don’t know what to think of this.


I don’t understand what’s going on.

Also, they’re, like, a year and a half late for this to be anything approaching fashionable.

Why would they do this?

I don’t know, but i hope it’s their way of expressing the joy of releasing new content!

Something something Valve Time.

Is really Valve’s? Shouldn’t that be

@Jake R

You’re right.
When you enter the page on google search, you get to
But when you click on their logo, you get redirected to their home page without
the Harlem Shake.

Curious…might be a prank?
Nah, Valve wouldn’t let someone mess with their stuff.It’s their work definitely.
The question is why?

Perhaps this is some kind of a easter egg?

That’s weird. What’s it doing at the top of google’s results…?

Edit: Doesn’t look like Valve owns it. I think someone just used the weird address to hijack the search results.

Maybe a new game???.. i don´t know…

And somehow that’s still probably not the most farfetched “Valve is announcing something” grasp at straws I’ve seen.

I’m not skilled in internet sleuthing, but a quick check on seems to report that the site was registered from somewhere in Panama, so…

Half life 3 in Panama!!!.. LOL

It’s actually just Far Cry 3 with the wildlife replaced by creatures from Black Mesa.

Edit: ^ I’d buy it

WOW… its official… wowww
Valve put this image…
I can´t believe

You people are a disappointment.

You actually fell for a troll site.

ummm…I am surprised and amazed what they wrote 8| …they updated the site again.

here’s how you can see it.

Go to Valve home page, first link up top.
Quickly watch the top left corner before the page loads up,
where it says:

“Maybe next year.”[/size]

Of course with this they are saying that there will be no games from Valve at E3 or this year.
So the long waiting continues. ;(

This thread went from wonky to sad.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.