I live near the Dutch/German/Belgian border, but I officially live in the Netherlands.
That’s what it’s supposed to look like on paper. As I mentioned earlier the idea of government seems good, but in reality it’s far different. First of all, I really don’t see the government as ‘one of my tools’ I can use. I have no control over any of the government institutions. They do whatever they want, regardless of what I might think. I already showed you that institutions like the FDA are easily corrupted, one day you have people working for McDonalds and the next they’re working for the FDA. The government does not advance our desires, but inhibits them. Nobody wants to pay taxes, many people want drugs legalized, pretty much everyone thinks government is too big, nobody wants those pointless wars. You can request all you want to the government, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s impossible to fund all the things we want. All those liabilities, wars and other fancy government programs only exist thanks to our fiat currencies. The fact that it doesn’t work is the reason we are in this dire economic situation. Those rich people you see on television are only there because corporations with similar interests funded their campaigns.
And why are you bringing the founding fathers into this. They sure as hell didn’t want a government like the US has today. They wanted a very small limited government, with minimal taxation to take care of only the most basic things. A free market and freedom is what they wanted. They were also strongly against the idea of a central banking system and fiat currencies. They knew this new freedom would create a lot of wealth, and it did. The US became the biggest economy in the world, but as I mentioned earlier this also means more tax money becomes available and thus the inevitable growth of the government sets in. Now the US has the biggest government in the world, and they have more debt than anyone else. Their government has destroyed their own economy via taxation, endless regulation, government liabilities like the welfare state, minimum wage and so on. All of this hinders the creation of jobs and wealth, and so the US lost its production capability. And now they’re drowning in ever increasing debt, they have the largest prison population, endless regulation and hundreds of military bases established all around the world.
I’m going to leave it at this, since you brought up the founding fathers, here’s some quotes from Jefferson about government and monetary policy:
And finally, my two favorite ones:
Regardless of these quotes, I don’t agree with many other things he said, but he has a sound understanding of the importance of a free market and freedom. He knew exactly what could go wrong, and unfortunately for us, it did. This is also what happened to the Roman Empire, and as it was collapsing I’m pretty sure there were plenty of people just like you danielsangeo, telling us how perfect government is and how happy we should be with having one.