I like both,but…
Fast based twitch based are for those times I’m feeling hyper active and I just want to get to the action and have a blast. I am very good at any game I play(except for those rare ones) so losing really doesn’t put me down as I know it was because of bad teamwork. There isn’t any strategy to these types of games. Tribes: Ascend is really awesome, and has gotten me back into the “unreal-groove”. I loved UT3, but it wasn’t my favorite, for some reason I really love old-school Unreal with it’s fast-paced,low-poly, and body-dismantling action lol. Maybe I do have a strategy in these games and I just haven’t realized it, because usually I’m just “run ‘n’ gun”.
There is a middle-ground(well kinda)
CoD is basically Unreal mixed with Battlefield. Which is why kids like it, it feeds their hyperactive minds and their thirst for modern weapons.
Strategy BF and CS I like too, but I usually play it when I’m not too jumpy. Although I know that both games share a team aspect, I don’t usually chat with my teammates. I just don’t like using my mic because there’s always that one douche bag that has to be an 18yr old going on 10, but I usually do fine by myself and help out my team when they need it and I can capture and take down objectives by myself, although I prefer a squad mate to come w/ just in case I mess up and get myself killed.
I like CS, but I don’t at the same time. It really urks me how some people can get a kill with one hit on a knife, but when I try to I only take slivers of HP away until they die. The hit detection is pretty bad, there have been many times where I’ve gotten headshots and questioned how I got them when I wasn’t even aiming for their heads.