Turning off the ring beams on c3a2h?

I’m making a shutdown sequence for the lambda teleporter, but for some reason I can’t get the beams in the center ring to turn off. Even deleting every entity while in game doesn’t do it. Anybody know how to turn them off?[/size]

Have you looked to see if they are in fact a part of one of the teleporter models themselves?

If they are not, they will probably be an info_particle_system entity.

They’re actually env_beam entities, so you could try specifically killing all env_beam ents.

I’ve figured out the issue. Apparently for some odd reason any env_beam entities with the “Ring” flag will stay even if they are turned off or killed. This seems to be an engine bug.

Could you teleport the entities to some empty room and leave them there, as a workaround?

Maybe. But I’ve just disabled them until the issue is taken care of.

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