Trigger seemed to spawn incorrectly

Console Info:

version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
map : bm_c4a3b at: -335 x, -297 y, 1088 z
tags :
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
edicts : 1635 used of 4096 max

] getpos
setpos -335.389557 -297.581818 1088.031250;setang 4.654213 -166.569901 0.000000

The platform you needed to jump on in this area to get over the fence was also invisible. Many things didn’t seem to spawn correctly here.

Also cannot grab cable needed so unable to progress. I could send over a save file, just not sure who to send it to.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.