Top 10 best BMS mods?

What would be your top 10 personal favorite mods or skins for BMS?

Are there even that many?

IIopn’s animations, Xalener’s audio packs. The essentials.

ST Uncut, OAR Uncut :slight_smile:

OaR Uncut and Uplink were quite nice.

The animation revamp.
For my mod Retro Pack, one of my favorite there is the alien grunt skin. The Classic Vortigaunt skin by impetous97. The futuristic skins too (TRON marines and HEV suit) were great. I would like to create mods but I accidentally deleted BMS last year :slight_smile:

Can I vote for myself?

I think the Joint Ops mod is also really great. I love having extra Marine and Scientist skins. I have modded the living hell out of my Marines though, changing their gas mask lenses so that they are green or red etc. I love it though.

I would say Text’s Surface Tension and On a Rail Uncut, RK’s Loop Mod and Vent Mod, and Acoma’s HUD Icons mod are my favorite mods.

I agree completely .

Surface tension uncut, On a rail uncut, Loop and vent mod, Animation revamp - the muzzle flashes. my take on the 357, mp5, glock, shotgun, weapon explosions. Retro flesh bullet impact, houndeye, vort, barnacle and zombie sounds, some originals sounds remain for them.

Some of the retro skins

Enhanced face creation system

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.