Outside of Xen I can’t see these time-based sequences having any real place. Black Mesa isn’t that type of game.
I can’t see any timed sequences working in Xen OR Black Mesa.
A nice example of this multiple response thingy is the “Beat Dog to the base” race.
I suppose a few, for nonessential areas. But I wouldn’t like too many. Still, the suspenseful feel would be pretty cool, in a few parts.
Dare you defy Raminator’s judgement with your continued suggestions?
Spamming : if you can’t make it in quality, you can try with quantity.
Spam until Ram change his mind or be banned.
Timed sequences should not be implemented into the game, I don’t think. That would make it too different from the original. I liked being able to explore without consequence, and the find all the different little weapons caches and stuff. As for timed sequences for the weapons caches themselves, that doesn’t make sense. I always hated doors that were timed in games, like on Gears of War at the start. Why would you have a button located at Point A, which opens a door at Point B in plain sight of Point A, which would then close again in a few seconds. You’d never find that anywhere in real life. I realize on GoW that it is strictly for training purposes to teach you to sprint, but this has no place in Black Mesa.
The walls of the box smashing room should start crushing together when you get in it. It will be cool! Plus, it would make the room even more illogical than it was before. I’m all for that! BM developers, make sure to make the already illogical rooms in the game even more illogical, if you can’t find a way to make them make sense. Maybe they should make the walls crush together when you finish the room, as a Freeman’s mind tribute. The boxes should explode when they are crushed.