This Is So Not Waffles...

Should be a damn meme.

I guess it’s better to have an ex-girlfriend who secretly wants you back, whom you want back too, but you know it won’t work, so you stay friends and stuff happens sometimes.

There, now I shared too.

I’d rather have my ex become my fuckbuddy then just a friend.

well, this situation is excruciating, really

we want to be more than friends but neither of us says anything so we’re not, yet we kind of are, but only sometimes

Oh lord, I know that feeling all too well.

Oh fuck, I’m actually in that situation right now as well.


i’m constantly going back and forward over whether or not to ask her to get back together, and we’ve been broken up for over a year

i should really make up my mind

Do it faggot. If the situation truly is excruciating the fastest way to end it any which result is to ask her to get back together.

Pretty much. Going from having sex with someone to not having sex but being around them anyways is, well… stupid.

Not if you really value eachother’s presence in your lives, apart from the sex :slight_smile:

And I really want to ask her, but I really don’t think it’ll work :frowning: The reason it failed before hasn’t really changed. Fuck this shit.

And today is her birthday… I wished her well on Facebook, just in case there is a misunderstanding, but I don’t see this turning back towards going well…

Yeah, the girl I tried with a few weeks ago that hasn’t talked to me since has her birthday Tuesday. I’m just gonna text her and hope she replies.

This just had to be done.

I hate you a little bit right now.

Well most of you guys are better off then me…
I don’t even notice of girls hitting on me, until I start processing after the party :frowning:

Like the aspbergers kid who tries to cheer up the people at a funeral.

Good!My task has been acomplished.

Here’s the help you’re looking for:


Thats pretty usefull I guess…

Ow, my phone.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.