This Is So Not Waffles...

A guide for life? thought one already exists, this one looks more entertaining tho :wink: but it’s sad anyways, people should try to live by themselves instead of being guided by manuals.
If something doesn’t work, you must be doing it wrong. But don’t try to change drastically, the very opposite actually, be yourself and have some confidence, for you should be the one in control, not any ****'s pet.

In life, I have learned that people always reflect the way you look onto your personality. So if you look like someone they can make fun of, they will think that you are a pussy until you prove them wrong.
I used to be much more overweight than I am now, and it mostly was “punch the fatass” (but I was different inside to what they thought I am) and once they learned not to mess up with me, no one called nor acted in such way towards me ever again… actually I’ve become quite popular, until… well, that’s unrelated :expressionless:

Week 3 past her return from vacation, and still yet to hear from her. I keep checking my phone, and email, and every person to enter the gym to see if she is back so I can get something from her, if only to be rejected officially. This sucks. I hate being in limbo…

I’ve always had pretty bad luck with this stuff myself, when I was a kid I was more shy and awkward and I acted like an idiot, and now, well I’m a little more outgoing, but I have trouble finding anyone that’s not already involved with someone.

(I literally almost asked a girl out that I was talking to without noticing the ring on her finger last semester)

Haven’t tried bars or clubs yet, but I’m only 19 so…

I would have gone to one too if I had the money, nothing wrong with it but a lot of people do give you shit for it which annoys me to no end.

3 weeks without an answer is no longer limbo, bro. It’s a negatory.

You know who else went to art college?


My brain knows this, but my emotions want that one last conversation. I have known her for five years. To say yes to a date and then turn around and disappear doesn’t make any sense.

*used to annoy me to no end

I find Hitler’s artistic ambitions rather comical.

Just Imagine seeing him in a gallery…
Ein Herrenvolk - Adolf Hitler


Yeah, when I asked that girl out, she took three weeks to answer. At first I was hopeful, cause circumstances made it harder for her to answer, but it ended as I saw it ending. Rejection. Three weeks is too long for anything. Hell, a week is kinda pushing it a little.

I had waffles for breakfast this morning. That was waffles. But I won’t be going to a kung fu class today because I can’t take deep breaths without pain. It’s getting better since yesterday, but it’s not waffles at all.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.