Things you DON'T want to see in BM.

It’s not that they’re badly done, but they look like they belong in Doom 3 rather then Half-Life. I could spend an hour explaining what I don’t like about them, but then again who gives a shit what I have to say? I’ll just wait for someone to make a replacement model.

I don’t want to see a chunk overflow ten minutes into the game. I still have nightmares about Missing Information.

“Gordon, here’s a gun! Defend yourself!” oh man, the illusion has been broken. :brow:

When I play Source games I like to climb on stuff, build walls/towers, generally just see where all I can go using the props and my 1337 platforming skills. I really don’t want to see nonsensical collision boxes in places I want to go. For instance: on top of a piece of machinery, blocking me from being able to jump over a fence I’m going to be going around anyway.

I do!!!111! :3

^ I don’t, Because i hate dias anyway.

The thing i don’t want to see it, there is no download for the old mp5 when the game is release, JamesKane said it can be download, but not now.

And NPC don’t act right like Half-life2 i will blast my fist on to the wall, but i bet BMT will already take care of it.

Btw, i don’t see Raw_Bean much on this forum, i kind of miss him.

I really, REALLY don’t want to see an area with infinite enemy spawn. For someone who likes to clear out areas such as myself places like this can quickly drain you of ammo.

Me too, it kinda break the atmosphere.
Don’t like the slave vort skin used from the sdk, doesn’t look like the old one. I miss the green crystal collar, the one valve made in HL2 sucks. For me it was a combine version collar, not the original organic one from HL :frowning: .

I concur that the Agrunt needs some changes (as I’ve mentioned before), but the Alien Controller is just freakin’ awesome!

Maybe it’s more of an opinion than fact that the generalized word, “gun” sounds stupid and lame, at least in certain contexts. Weapons specialists refer to them as “fire arms”, “rifles” and “explosives”. They tend to use more descriptive nouns instead of generalized terms. if anything, “weapon” would be more appropriate. it seems to me that only a 12 year old would refer to a weapon cache as “guns”. :retard:

The word just bothers me.
Take the plural form for example :

“Squirt Guns” is an acceptable use of the word as it describes a gun that uses water. “Gun” is also acceptable when referring to a single artifact in general.

“Here, Gordon, take this gun!”, would be an acceptable use especially if it’s used by a scientist who may not have weapon experience. But, “Here, Gordon, take these guns!”, sounds like something a child would say.

-Kawai Tei-

I grew up around guns. Most of the people I play poker with own guns, and quite a few of them are ex military. They still call them “guns” all the time. Yes, they do call them pistols, rifles, or shotguns as required, but that doesn’t keep them from referring to them by the general vernacular of “gun”.

On the other hand, I hardly ever hear the tern “firearm” from anyone. That is a term used by new affiliates, and every once and a while by myself, more because I am a bit strange than anything else.


And I also hate endless spawning. Pisses the shit out of me.

Play World at War

You should get that checked out.

It’s called diarrhea, there’s not that much to get checked out

The controller does look a lot better then the alien grunt. I don’t really care for the comtroller’s ears & face that much & I’d rather it have a regular colored brain with a xen crystal in it then have a bright orange brain. But over all it’s pretty good.(I mostly hated the way the first render made it look)

a penis gib
i really don’t want that

It would also be acceptable to refer to guns as boomsticks.

Yes. Yes it would. :slight_smile:

-Kawai Tei-

You have no soul.

Tei, are you serious about the “gun” generalization thing?
Because if you aren’t it’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in a long time.
If you are, it’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in a long time, and you’re retarded.

Agreed, I usually say guns or weapons, and guns is more specific.

i would like it if weapons wouldnt be just placed on the ground around you… like for a pistol. you find it droped by a guard being draged away. not just sitting on the floor in the middle of no where. Ohhh and id like to see more “Cover” but it not just being placed there so obviously. you know like more adverstisment boards chairs drink machines stuff like that. in other words make the enviorment as real as possible. none of that “ohhh… thats just to easy” stuff. lol make us work for it. remeber this is BM and the shit just hit the fan lol

WHAT!!! I LOVED THAT ROOM! it was so much fun. just think how much fun you could have with it in the source engine. moving stuff around to make a raft lol. ohhh i could have to much fun in that room!

i read why you said you didnt like it but i know the sink is strange but remember its a lab and there may be some reason you need to wash your hands idk but yeah the water being kept in makes since to me bc its in an emergency so tha room should be sealed. so just my thoughts though

The flooded office thing is so obvious. You get in from the window, so just forget the door. Don’t make it. And make the door in the other side of the room, with stairs, so that the water doesn’t get there. Was that so difficult to figure out?

I’m sure devs have found this or another way of making it more realistic.

“On a rail”

'nuff said

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.