Things about your workplace

I like the place that I work (even if the job itself is miserable), so I’ll post the good (and complain about it later).

The great thing about an industrial work environment is that big pieces of equipment still come shipped in big wooden crates. And big wooden crates mandate the presence of crowbars. Furthermore, it’s winter where I work, and in the winter we are authorized to wear black knit wool caps. My personal research shows that there is no better way to feel like a dockhand or longshoreman than to wield a crowbar while wearing a thick wool beanie, even if you’re a hundred miles from the nearest port.

And a good thing about a government work environment is that everything is about thirty years old, so none of those crowbars or wooden crates look out of place. History is tucked away and will sometimes come out of the woodwork, so to speak. It is a crowbar’s natural habitat, and that makes me happy. Now, being military, we have gear for every possible accident. Not many jobs thrust their employees into use of gas masks, firefighting agents, breathing apparatuses, geiger counters, air monitors, and cleansuits.

So what do you like or hate about your workplace?

My last workplace was a dog-friendly office space. A dozen plus dogs, just roaming around all day. Occasionally pooping on the carpet, but not usually; they’re pretty well trained. My favorite dog was the really old, really chill Samoyed mix who belonged to the coworker two desks over. He’s really arthritic, so he doesn’t usually lay down unless he intends to stay down for a while, but he’d just come stand next to you and sort of companionably lean on your leg for a couple minutes.

Hmmmmm…well, my favorite thing about my workplace (the MOSU area of my hospital and the ER), would hafta be the conversations I often have with my patients. It’s really nice to talk to some of them, they usually have very excellent stories to tell. I also like most of my coworkers up on MOSU.

My only issue with work would probably be how gratingly boring sitting in the ER with the psyche patients can be, and how many nurses are snakes and back stabbers.

There is a collection of classic cars on the first floor of my office. the people that I work with all seem friendly and knowledgeable (so far). My current boss isn’t a slave driver like my last boss was. The office manager isn’t a bitch that gives us important paperwork while we are in the field expecting us to make important life decisions without even giving us the night to think about you (you need to chose your healthcare plan tonight! why haven’t I gotten your healthcare decisions yet? I sent you the paperwork an hour ago! You are holding up everyone with your indecision. I know you are in Florida with no fax machine but I need that paperwork signed before you go to bed tonight!). My boss actually compliments me when I do well.

Currently unemployed, but my last workplace gave me a free hoodie while paying me 120 crowns an hour for a six hour workday where roughly half of it was lounging around drinking tea while waiting in between performances.
It was a pretty sweet gig, but regarding the place itself, the downside was that I had to work outdoors wearing a velvet coat and boots when it was 30 degrees sunny out.

I get free pizza every day. And it’s the best pizza in town. I think I just showed all you guys up.

I get free ginger ale D: the…the generic brand >.>

My last workplace had a kegerator with local microbrews on tap.

You know its pretty alright, I do stuff and they give me money and it works out in the end. I don’t these fancy benefits like free ginger ail or dogs mucking about though.

I have two workplaces at the moment. One being the oldest cinema in Germany. It doesn’t appear like that but more a Contemporary Art house Cinema, but with a really good selection of films. Everybody who works there needs to be able to do everything. So you need to be able to Jump between the box Office, the projection room and - if need be - the toilets. Though this may sound stressful it actually makes the job fun, despite of working in a cool cinema is cool anyway.
the cinema has some great festivals each year, the pinnacle being the PornFilmFestival. it is our best visited festival throughout the year and the folks that visit are really cool and - sometimes literally - easy- going. and there is always some quite interesting stuff to see, and mainstream porn is even hardly represented there.
working there alwys provides you with the best sweet popcorn in town (germans seems to be the only folks in the world who prefer sweet popcorn) and i not only get to see our films for free, but because of cinema collaborations in berlin i can visit all cinemas but the big 'plexes for free so thats great!

my other job is in a landscape architect office. nice folks and all And the money is better. But i keep realizing that i’m really not much of a office guy.

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