You sir have seen some weird fucking babies. o.0
I think babies fucking are wierd, whether or not they look like Vortigaunts. :zip:
Speaking of Vortigaunts, is BM going to use a new texture based on the grungy ones, or just recycle the Ep2 skin?
(Don’t bother posting the map screenshots because those are WIP)
They’ve said it a dozen times, they’re using the ones from episode 2.
^^This, albeit with collars.
Maybe that’s because their force was kept in control by Nihilanth.
No, they were still fighting for their own survival.
A shame no one has decided to steer this discussion towards speculation of the Vortessence and the insinuations of destiny that have been made, particularly in Gordon’s regard.
As to their nature and intentions, I don’t share the same sentiment as other people have mentioned in other threads, I truly don’t think the Vort’s have any malicious intentions in regards to Gordon or humans in general. They are much too benevolent, and, exactly like the humans their race has been brought to the brink of extinction.
I remember being bummed out that they weren’t an enemy in Half-Life 2, but as I played through Episodes 2 & 3 where they helped move the story on much more I really enjoyed them as an unlikely ally of humanity.
- Vortigaunts in HL1 would often say “Die Freeman” if they came across the player (Gordon), showing that they know a little more than it seems. Maybe they’re psychic or something.
- The All-Knowing Vortigaunt in HL2 knows a lot more than the average Vort, but it’s still a lot more than the Combine or the Rebels.
Crazy I don’t remember them specifically saying “Die Freeman”, just strange shrieks and warbles and various other alien sounding enunciations.
I don’t think (canonically) the A-K V is any more knowing than any other Vort (stick around and talk with the Vort’s at the end of Sandtraps they’ll start saying the same things as the A-K V). Also, as Episodes 1 & 2 reveal it seems all the Vort’s have some awareness of some grand over arching scheme concerning everything. Interestingly, the only link the player has been made aware of over all of this is, of course, G-Man.
The “all knowing” vort knows just as much as other vortigaunts. Just keep clicking e on them and they’ll share.
it has been illustrated so far that vortigaunts are capabile of common thinking and thaught sharing , also , that’s how they ware controlled … they are sensible to this stuff , or that’s what we are told…
No they didn’t. They never said anything remotely like ‘Freeman’, but amongst their warbling they make a sound like ‘doy’ that some people think of as them saying ‘die’.
Don’t they say “Die human!”?
No. Raw_bean just explained that. One freaking post above you.
Which is a pretty nice detail which made the Vortiguants appear as a dangerous enemy.
Hell, where is that said? I presume I missed some very important information.
Which sources are considered canon by the way?
Games (by Valve), Manual (is there one available für Steam Users?), Interviews, Raising the bar, anything else?
Opposing Force, Blue Shift, Decay, and Half-Life 2 Deathmatch are all considered canon.
Except that they’re not, unless Marc Laidlaw has explicitly confirmed a particular aspect.
By him writing HL2 Deathmatch I’m pretty sure Ramirezoid was joking.
I had a feeling that was the case, but I feel that if somebody asks a vaguely sensible question on here, it merits a vaguely sensible answer.