The Rage Topic

don’t see how it can be entertaining to watch people do something pointless. on the people still fight people, most the time it is for dumb reasons.

The only sport I watch. Though I wish there were less rules…

Survival? There’s more to life than just survival. Life is reproduction.

Admittedly, surviving / continuing-to-exist is a big requirement for reproduction, but other things help too. There’s partner-appeal, there’s being top dog, there’s being able to survive inter-pack politics and cope with arbitrary rules without panicking.

Animals who live away from water are almost sure to drown when they’re immersed in it, because they can’t adapt to something as traditional as breath being made off-limits. Children, however, can make a game of who can hold their breath longer. It’s not essential for basic survival, but that game gives us the talent to dive and swim.

Games like chess, dodgeball, auto polo… they’re not essential for bare survival, it is true. Though normal people don’t go around swinging clubs from car-windows, perhaps that skill will one day be useful. In the meantime, games allow us to do something more than not-fail. They allow us to succeed.

Athletes spend a large amount of time rehearsing conflict. They’re ready for it. This applies on the court/field/rink/playing surface as well as in the real world. It’s a type of real-time, often stressful problem solving that keeps you mentally sharp. It’s also a diverting form of exercise. You know, the thing you do when you get up from the desk and move around.

exercise has a point, running around acting like an idiot aka sports is pointless.

I highly recommend this movie to you.

That was a lot nicer than what my reply would have been.

Well, I’m sure you’re the foremost expert on exercise. Which HS sport did you get cut from that makes you feel this way?

my neck hurts this is fucking stupid


cause causing pointless arguments is entertaining.

It’s not an argument if you can’t sustain debate worth shit.

I’m glad you’re a furry because you don’t deserve the honor of being a skinjob if you can’t find meaning or purpose in something as universal as sport and game.

game I get the point of, not sport. most the times what you guys consider as sport is a group of people payed high dollar to run between 2 points with a ball. its a waist of money and energy, game has a point its fun and entertainment. Sport does not, all most sports are is people paying money to well do nothing, the money should be put in more useful locations like lets say curing diseases.

Darkone’s poorly worded, misspelled, and strung out hyperbole aside; I generally don’t watch much in the way of organized sports. Particularly American Football. I mean, why would I want to watch a bunch of roided up musclemen smash into one another for several hours?

I mean, so many kids look up to atheletes these days, and yet a bunch of recent sports achievements were more or less sponsored by Balco. Barry Bonds? Roids. Lance Armstrong? Roids. It sets a bad example and is totally against the point of sport.

Darkone is just mad because he’s always picked last in his middle school gym class.

Not because he lacks skill, mind you. It’s just hard to play basketball with giant cat-paw gloves and a tail you keep tripping over.


No, we won’t have anything to do with him. How dare he say chess is a waste of resources.

Also, how dare he think money is a non-fiat resource. It is fiat.

Oh. My. God.

Does nobody know how to follow simple fucking instructions?

And I have writer’s block even though I have a spectacularly detailed plan of what to write. ARGH.

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