The Rage Topic

@Xalener So… you’re having a mid-life crisis… at the age of 20?

I’m 21 and in a similar position. I’d like to get my education done before I do anything, however. Playing it smart is better than going out on your own and getting yourself neck deep in debt. Don’t let what’s happening to the people around you fuck with your mentality. I’ve talked about this at length with my relatives, do not move out until you think you’re ready for it, and a general rule of thumb is to have at least 6 months worth of cash to survive on while you frantically search for a job after you move out.

Beyond that, while your degree focus may not be the best of ideas, you really aught to supplement it with something additional that you enjoy. I’m an experienced programmer and I’d REALLY like to do something in gaming, but it’s looking like a far-fetched notion. At least with that I can pursue other forms of jobs in the IT or computer industry as a software engineer for instance. On top of that, I can write a decent story myself, I’ve dabbled in a little bit of animation, and modeling.

I’m not saying stop pursuing what you want to do. If you really wanted to, put together a portfolio of what you’ve done. You’ll need one anyway to get into an art college or get a job as a concept artist or the like. It’s a hard field to get into, you’d need top notch grades and an excellent portfolio to even consider getting in. Just get something that you can fall back on in case the likelihood becomes a reality and you can’t fall back on anything.

As for Halo, don’t try and erase it from your history, it’ll be tough, but it’d be best to sever your connection with the game in its current form if you don’t care about what’s going on in its universe now. On the plus side, every artist has their own influences, I’d highly suggest listening to Joel’s interview if it’s still up. While it’s a different circumstance (that being music), you can see he was influenced by a number of bands including Rage Against The Machine among others. Beyond that, we all have our own experiences that add to our lives: take me for example, I used to play Diablo II constantly and it’s had a heavy impact on my life. I didn’t like how they handled Diablo III, the skill cooldowns when swapping between them really fucked with gameplay as well as how you build a character and took out quite a few of the customization options gearing it toward casual players and over-simplification rather than complex and deep, meaningful systems. That said, I think II is a better beast than III is. The only thing D3 has going for it is a far better engine and physics.

TL;DR Playing it smart > neck deep in debt; supplement your degree with something else in case that falls through; every artist has their influences.

If it makes you feel any better, my sister didn’t move out until she was about 28.

This too.

windows 7 just became non-genuine again, seemingly at random, guess I’ll have to update the windows loader thingy

Yeah the whole topic was about Halo. You could substitute “halo” with “videogames” or really “entertainment” and it’s much more accurate to what I’m going through right now.

fffuuu windows loader isn’t working

buy windows 8 lol :stuck_out_tongue:

no thnx

check your PM’s

I’m not really following this part of your post. Could you clarify?

I’m 23. I was all set to move out and start living on my own when my mother was diagnosed with cancer. I decided to stick around. There’s nothing wrong with living with family bro. I’m fully capable and ready to move but even without cancer being in the mix, I’d stick around for another year or two. It makes a shitload of financial sense to save up a bunch of cash before moving out.

First off, you’re 20. You have 80 years left to live on this planet. If people your age are marrying and shit, they’re fucking idiots. You will watch them crash and burn hard. You cannot possibly be ready for marriage at 20 or even kids.

You chose a degree without many jobs in your area. That’s on you. You have 2 options: Go back to school to get another degree, or move to where the jobs are. If you’re not applying around 24/7, you are failing yourself. I was lucky. Computer Science is a booming field and it is something I love to do. If I was in your position, my philosophy would’ve been do what you love on the side and what you need as a primary job.

I know people older than me that don’t have jobs. The market is tough bro. People will tell you that your career is a mistake. When I was going for my degree, my father said computer science jobs would be outsourced to all fuck and I’d never have a job. I proved him wrong pretty hardcore. He acknowledged his mistake :slight_smile: . The moral? What may look like a mistake now may be the right move in the future.

No. That’s what your imagined ‘sterotype’ for 20 year olds do. The sooner you stop trying to fit yourself into a mold, the easier it will be on you.

You said you’re 20. See comment above about kids and wives at 20.

I work on defense technology for my primary job. The code I write keeps soldiers alive in the battlefield. Guess what happens if I fuck up? This is a risk I accept. I counter it by doing my damned best no matter what situation I am in. Risk is a fact of life bro. There are people out there that should not be driving yet they do. That should piss you right off (it sure rustles me). Nut up, get out there and get your license. It will hold you the fuck back for the rest of your life if you don’t.

You acknowledge your flaw. Now what the fuck are you gonna do about it? I didn’t become a Black Mesa developer by sitting on my ass complaining. I wrote code. Every. Single. Day. I started and worked on multiple server plugins for Source. I made connections. Once you start doing this, it becomes easier. It is like exercise. The successes you have will motivate you to work harder. The bottom line though, is that only YOU can effect the change you want.

To succeed in any industry, you need to constantly practice. I would suggest you start drawing stuff and posting it here on the forums for criticism. Criticism = free improvement advice.

Stop worrying about women. You have plenty of time to go find them. Your primary focus needs to be on getting yourself a job. Like I said, start drawing and posting. The feedback you get will help you improve your technique. When you see these improvements, you’ll motivate yourself even further.

I was gonna take the nice guy approach with this post but you’d reject everything I would’ve said, so I decided to keep it real.

I wasn’t aware that anyone was comparing Avatar and Halo. What does that even mean, are the guns too similar?

i guess the helicopters are pretty the same? avatar is mostly ripping off racist myths and the shitty movies that reinforce them. also roger deans prog album covers

i smoked too much weed once about a year ago and felt just like xalener for about 48 hours, I have no idea why, I’m usually very optimistic taking everything as a challenge

Perhaps it’s because you were consuming a mind-altering substance with unpredictable effects.

I totally get xal’s plight tho.
343 got the doom 3 guy to take over the art for Halo 4 and reshaped the tired blandness of Halo 2-3 that everyone was used to into a snowstorm of stroggified NFL gundams.
We’re one of the few people who appreciate this, whereas most other fans were less than pleased to have their t-shirts, belt buckles, and mountain dew collection rendered obsolete.

not to mention the chumps who believe cod invented sprinting, hit-markers, and custom classes and thus halo 4 is trying to be it


Don’t even bother. You’re on the wrong side of history here.

Myeah, you’re barkin’ up the wrong tree there Pyro. You’ll have better luck talking to a wall.

Plus weed comes in all sorts of different flavors. Depends on the plant it was picked from.

Never understood the phrase “wrong side of history.”

The side that isn’t the truth. You know, people tend to treat the history as the truth even though it most of the time may be debatable.

That’s how I interpret it at least, the way it used everywhere though indicates that it’s more of a way to say “People in the future will disagree with you.”
That’s doesn’t apply here if you ask me since weed will always be a mind-altering substance, just like alcohol.

So apparently CoD ghosts has a post apocalyptic sort of setting. It would seem it doesn’t have much tying it to the rest of the franchise aside from guns and the name.

Why not just make a new IP and stick “by the makers of Call of Duty” all over the marketing?

same engine + recycled assets no matter how little they may be, divided by not making as much money because people hate change

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.