The Bullsquid and the Gargantua...

Its possible with particle fx

Possible but another nice thing on the feature creep list?

Yes they are.

How 'bout a puddle :expressionless:

Puddle i[/i]- a small pool of any liquid.


So I’m asking for the same thing? :fffuuu:

Well, I suppose I’m asking for a small pool :expressionless:

Which Ram just said no to. >.>

A blood pool would be awesome man.

I want one of those for a pool party :expressionless:

Of the blood variety? I’m personally planning on filling a pool with cherry Jell-O and finding a way to cool it enough so it hardens. And I mean a full size pool, none of this inflatable 2ft deep crap :smiley:

Gravy mix works much better.

You sir, are a crazy person. For that reason, I like you.

As for blood puddles or pools from dead NPC’s, yes its a nice effect but then consider how it would react to enemies dying on grated surfaces, in water, near ledges, and how butthurt that some players would get if it looked or acted oddly.

I’m pretty sure that would actually be pretty dangerous. jello isn’t easy to move through, so if you actually managed to sink down underneath it, you might not be able to get back out again.

Yeah, but you’re working against gravity, so any force you put into pushing your way up through the jello above you is going to be exerted on the jello below you. If your weight was enough to break the jello for you to fall into it in the first place, then it’s probably enough to continue breaking up the jello below you while not necessarily doing that much to the jello above you.

I think the real question would be if you could sink in jello to begin with, which i think it possible if you stand upright as your feet would pierce through, but then how far would you sink? You’re not going to have much of a risk of drowning if you can only sink up to your waist.

Gelatin usually has a density of about 1.1 g/cm^3, which is slightly greater than that of water (1.0 g/cm^3). The human body has an average density very close to that of water.

Objects of lower density generally float on fluids of higher density. Thus I conclude that you would be unlikely to drown in edible gelatin.

You could just eat your way out :expressionless:

Lol like the german version of half-life, the hecu were replaced by robots and there wasn’t blood in the game

this would be cool but if we put it in a mod in german it would be forbidden like if the HECU say something about Nazis.
Why r they so strict?

My thoughts exactly.

And assuming you mixed the Jell-O in the average pool (8ft or so at its deepest point) you wouldn’t have very far to sink, even if (like you mentioned) the act of struggling resulted in sinking. Even then, (buoyancy aside) it would probably feel very interesting to get your feet on the bottom and push your way up through the Jell-O.

Side note - I just had a flash to the scene in Beerfest where Landfill hallucinates about drinking the entire vat of beer he’s stuck in. That would be a LOT of red gelatin to consume :smiley:

Can’t believe thishasn’t been posted yet.

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