Take the twitter feed off the main page

It just makes the dev’s look neglectful at best, secretive failures at worse. Either start posting fresh updates to the twitter or get rid of it, all it’d doing is signalling the long ago death of the mod, true or not as that is.

They don’t give a shit about the website. They’re trying to finish the game first.

3 posts 3 retarded whining posts, ban h4mmer incoming

Take the omnicorp feed off the forum page

I think they should take the Twitter feed off the main page, then new members won’t know it ever existed and we won’t have threads bitching about it

I think they should make the Twitter feed take up the entire main page.

The main page should just redirect to the twitter feed page.

I like that idea. :retard:

The main page should be the twitter page.

We should be taking the Black Mesa feed off the Twitter page.

You don’t get to make demands of the Council, Ambassador.


It was said that once the soundtrack is released, one could expect the launch of black mesa two weeks after. I can now say that a new website will be launched with the soundtrack in preparation for the mod. Fuck if we care about the current website. Just take a good look at it because it will be gone soon enough.

community hype over Hubicorn’s post in 3…2…1…

I’m going to take a screenshot of every single page:retard:

But… how soon is soon enough?

I just hope it’s not like a valve’s “soon”

Of course it is.

Remaking a Valve game means using Valve Time.
They’re true fans.

Oh god, here it goes. Well Off to my hiding hole.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.