Before I start this I’m going to preface it by saying I’m gonna ease back on the mapping for a couple of days, probably won’t do much until Monday. University project due Friday, and I’ve got a busy weekend. I’m still committed to this project, and am looking towards an alpha release within the next 2 weeks or so. Heavy changes will be made, don’t you worry about that. Thank you everyone for your support and advice. I hope I’ve done myself proud, I certainly think I have (especially considering I’ve been doing this for just over 2 weeks!).
Right, there’s such vast amounts of feedback in this thread I’m going to be here all night if I address everything individually. So I’ll try and sum up everything I’ve seen here and address it.
Overall Map Comments
The final version will have soundscaping and background fighting which gives the impression there’s a big war going on. This will happen on both C2A5G and C2A5H (the two maps I’ve showcased so far).
The 3D Skybox for C2A5H hasn’t even been started yet. I was in more of a rush to get this map’s video out of the door than the other one as I felt I had a bit more to live up to (and I wanted some motivation, which I was lacking a little with C2A5H). I will make it consistent with C2A5F and will also attempt to expand them both a fair amount. I want this world to feel just as alive and expansive as you do.
Making the window jumping puzzle in the gasworks more obvious
I’m having no grand sequences for this. There are enough scripted sequences already, if you implement too many it ruins the pacing and becomes like a CoD campaign, which is just set-piece after set piece with an occasional sprinkling of nothing but chaotic action. And Half-Life is so much better than that. I currently simply have a nearby explosion which sounds nearby rupturing the gas lines by the windows, causing them to shatter, making the light spark and start flickering. It should be fairly obvious. Throughout the indoor sections of the level (and outdoor, but implemented differently) there will be a combination of near and far explosions occurring randomly. Barney says: “They’re bringing in the heavy artillery” - they sure are. I’ve also already made the pipes outside the window 32 units thick now (up from 8 ). It should be obvious you can walk on them now.
As a funny coincidence, even before comments about this sequence which should involve the Apache appearing, I’ve already changed the gasworks to have an Apache crashed halfway through the roof (if you’ve ever played Killing Floor, think KF-Crash). I think it looks pretty bloody cool, and spices up the environment a little.
Furnace Room Puzzles/Design
I’m going to change it around. Blocking the Furnace isn’t a good puzzle, I agree. I was on the fence about it before but now I think it isn’t good. I’ll probably just make it turning off 2 - 3 valves, with some of them missing from their respective pipes. I’d love to actually involve putting something in the furnace somehow, but it doesn’t seem that feasible.
The only one I can think of is involving Satchel Charges. The fire in the Furnace rages initially. Turning the valves one way increases the size of the fire but does nothing else. Turning them off puts the fire out. You then activate the valves again, to fill the furnace with gas. Somehow signpost to the player they should throw a satchel in, and then close the doors. Let it fill up with gas a little, then set it off. It explodes the system, opening a hole in the pipe for you. How to make this clear to the player? I have no idea. Ideas are welcome, though I’ll probably just stick to the simple find+turn the valves idea.
As to the rest of the furnace room, I don’t see how it makes any less sense than all the other parts of the Black Mesa Facility. It’s a furnace, next to a gasworks. Sure, they’re a bit far apart, but it doesn’t seem totally unfeasible to me. ST is supposed to take place in the industrial parts of Black Mesa anyway. I was quite happy sticking to the original here, I thought I did the best compromise I could between following the old and making something new. I’m not sure I’m comfortable with changing it from a furnace room. Changing the layout, puzzles and other things? Hell yeah, if it works better. But entirely? I’m not sure.
Bathroom with Jump Pad
I will rework it somehow, because it isn’t good. The hideous ugly windows are the remnants of the fact I was originally not making that an enterable area - so the ugly windows were just meant to be seen from the outside. The jump pad is a weird idea in terms of its logical placement but I think it’s really underused in Black Mesa and I want to see more of it!
Satchel Pipe Scene
People have complained about a few things which I’ve already fixed for the next version. I fixed the water bug easily. The steam blocking your view is gone. The timing is better, he throws it very quickly after opening the door and closes it. It’s better.
Some people have complained about the exit to the satchel pipe being illogical. I agree. Totally illogical. But it’s exceptionally difficult to rework that scene to have the same impact as the original, with a different layout. It’s the only one that works as far as I can tell. The door needs to be closeable, otherwise that HECU Satchel Marine is more likely to blow himself up than you, which would be stupid. I’d quite like to have it as a pipe with a maintenance opening or something but I’m not sure how I could make that work. I don’t think it has the same impact if you can’t directly see the Marine from the front, throwing the satchel.
“In universe” explanation - it was the one not pursued by the Harrier, and it turned back to help kill the Abrams.
“Out of universe” meta explanation - It’s a far more dramatic effect when you can see the Manta approaching, scouring its laser beam across the ground towards you, pulling away before it cuts up the ground you’re standing by.
Right, hope that’s cleared some things up. I’ll be around to answer any further questions/address any other points/criticisms.