Suggestions to make the game more challenging

I found hard mode to be still too easy. I blazed through the original on hard mode. Find some way to make it harder, like disable the quick save option cause that is like cheating. You could save every second if you wanted to, know what I mean? :slight_smile:

I waited 6 years for this game to be released and I don’t wanna spend a quick time finishing it, I want to enjoy it thoroughly, thanks. :smiley:


  • Randomize the location of enemies and supplies for every loading.
  • Allow enemies to break/open doors so you can’t hide so much.
  • Disable quicksave
  • Add insane difficulty
  • Use SWAT 4 weapon mechanics where each reload is a whole new clip. (Ex. when you reload a gun with 20/30 ammo, the old clip remains for the next time, so you will have 20 bullets in one of your available clips, making the player choose wisely when to reload)
  • Allow the enemy AI to take notice of player sounds (running, firing, breaking crates).

That’s all I have right now, lol. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe make those suggestion exclusive to insane difficulty mode. You don’t want to globally change the gameplay mechanics like that.

  • No
  • They already do.
  • No
  • Do it yourself.
  • No
  • They already do.

People are always asking for these. And for future reference, please use this thread:
Got a Quick Suggestion? - Small suggestions that don’t need their own thread

This actually would be a topic I would love to see us all participate a little bit more in. Constructively of course. :wink:

Constructive participation on this forum is less likely to happen than getting hit by lightning.

It could happen.

Oh, well then don’t mind if I do!

While HL2 was a bit too easy, I think HL was good on hard difficulty. I trust the devs would keep it that way. Though I wouldn’t mind having a ‘secret’ insane difficulty level because after beating a linear game a couple of times I always know where every single enemy is and, well, that basically explains it.


More challenging? Skill level 4: the ammo give out is halved when you find a munitions source. You have to conserve like a motherfucker.

sk_ammo_qty_scale :fffuuu:

The last good suggestions for making the game more difficult were making the bullsquid leave a pool of acid when it dies, and having the houndeye blast go off if you kill it while it was charging. Everything else people seem to suggest either involves mindlessly cranking up numbers or making the guns more annoying to use just like “realistic shooters.”

I find that HARD mode is very easy in Half-Life 1 and 2, like most people do. So simply reducing ammo amounts, or complexly improving the enemy AI, would make things more difficult. :]

(Another thing would be to disable bunny hopping. (Assuming you have not already.))

Dias, I like that idea. Let’s expand upon it. Every type of enemy has a destruct mechanism.
Soldiers upon death will explode.
Vortigaunts will ragdoll into an electrifying bomb.
Alien Grunts will burst into a ball of bees.
Zombies and headcrabs will split into gibs and propel themselves at gravity gun force. (much like Snarks?)
Controllers will dissipate in deathly orbs.
And so on and so forth.

And most importantly, cockroaches release a venom that paralyses you for 20-30 seconds, taking 1 health point away every second. You really don’t want to tread on those motherfuckers…

Fun Fact: Forum-goers who’ve played the games several times over don’t represent a majority of anything except just that.


How about not posting or not being lazy by coming up with something original? It’s not hard to do.

Since scientists handle with radiation on a daily basis, everytime one of them dies, they explode with the force of a tactical nuke.

You know, I’m not positive, but I don’t think that’s how radiation poisoning works.


I asked about this in the Got a Question thread ages ago, because it sounded logical, all I got was a :3 face from Kane.

Have no weapons at all

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