suggestion: make the uncut mods free "expansions"

Ok probably a poor idea, but how about you guys after xen making the two uncut mods official expansions this means prop work, dialog work and getting the maps up to 100% black mesa par. I know the plan is for simply putting them in as work shop optional items, but giving them an official expansion setting would be even cooler as they both add so much to the game and it lowers the chance of them being broken with updates.

the idea is for their to be 2 versions light and heavy, light would just be a minor thing updating the mods to work with the version on steam and heavy would be the idea above. both would have an option in them to chose short or long on the rail and if the surface tension one is active (basically 3 check boxes in a menu in game).

This would add so much to the game and would be better then the workshop plan in so many ways, for one as a free DLC or expansion people can just check a box if it is active or no with the menu idea above they can also do that in game before stating that way they can chose to go through the game basic or just to go through it with minor expansions, instead of having to unsubscribe to play with out it, they would just need to uncheck it in a menu.

I like it aswell, I want to replay both Uncut versions Retail style

The final word has been said on this multiple times. I am getting very sick of repeating myself on this topic, especially from someone I am fairly sure has already seen my words on the topic.

It will not happen. Stop it.

How is this literally any different at all from a Workshop mod? Other than the fact that it puts lots of extra work on the developers’ part.

TFG: Would you consider allowing fans to port the mods over and/or keep working on them? While I understand that allowing other people access to work you did can be a bit of a nightmare as far as credit and the like are concerned, this is fairly common practice in, for example, the Minecraft modding community when a popular developer leaves a project. If you don’t want to do that, it’s ok, of course, and I’m certainly not offering to take the project on myself as I am both very busy and I know I would take it in a radically different direction, I just want to make the suggestion since it seems like it would satisfy a lot of the community with minimal extra work on your part.

Well he’s already ported them, and finds the, to be at an acceptable state, so what’s even the point?

note to self stop posting stuff when mostly asleep, didn’t mean to actually post this as I knew it would never happen as text has said so…

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.