In Half-Life 2, the amount of ammo that the player picks up from ammo items is factored by what difficulty to which the game is set. In the console (and in skill.cfg), the player could modify the values sk_ammo_qty_scale1, sk_ammo_qty_scale2, and sk_ammo_qty_scale3 to change the ammo pick-up factor for each difficulty.
Could this difficulty-based ammo factoring be added into Black Mesa?
Currently, ammo pickups in Black Mesa aren’t affected by game difficulty. And with the removal of the sk_ammo_(gun name here) commands that the mod had, there’s seemingly no way to change how much ammo the player picks up–whether it’s for difficulty or any other reason–at all.
If you don’t bring difficulty factoring to ammo, can you please at least bring back the sk_ammo commands for the individual ammo types?
Thank you.