Steam ID Cards

Just head to your profile and fill out the Steam ID field and watch magic happen in each of your posts.

You can find your steam ID by logging into and looking at your profile URL. (ex.

what happen?

Edit: Holy fuck.

Cheers Hubi, wub joo.

Nobody will find out when I’m online or how long ago I closed steam, I won’t cave in.


Needs to have a link to your profile too.

Awesome work anyhow.

I’m confused. If I enter my mail, it gives an error. If I enter my login name, it shows some different guy named “en_Bolt” (instead of Bolteh), or do I actually have to use the 0:0:0:154541576515749554548whatever?

I’ll do some more changes to it to show what you are currently playing, ect.

You can find your steam ID by logging into and looking at your profile URL. (ex.

You sir are awesome.

Dunno if you have seen it, but what they use at TF2 Maps is awesome…
They use this AJAX library:
… no iframes!


Nice work!

I think it would be better if the images, in their iframes, were cropped non-scrollably to show only the avatar. Like so:

That way, with only 48px of width, it doesn’t bork post formatting so much.

We can still see clearly that the person has a Steam account with avatar hooked to their profile here, and whether the player is gray (offline), blue (online), or green (in-game).

If made smaller, then it would be acceptable for this icon-sized image to be a link which redirects to the user’s Steam profile page.

see now, you can rig this up, but you cant make embedded youtube vids work.

Is it possible to turn them off without having to block all content coming from

did it work?


Oh boy now I have 2 of them! :awesome:

Very Nice addition Hubi! It seems a tad slow to update, I surf here to find I’m supposedly still playing Sin Episodes, but that’s a niggle.

EDIT: I just says online now, the lag is negligible :slight_smile:

~10-15 min cache


Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.